Wine Club

The Club is delighted to announce, the launch of a wine club in partnership with the independently owned wines and spirits merchants, The Vine and the Juniper, on King Street in Ludlow. Membership is open to all Ludlow Rotarians and their partners at a monthly subscription paid by a standing order of £10 per head. Standing orders should made payable to the Ludlow Rotary Club’s No 2 Charity Account, referenced Wine / member’s surname; account number: 00134723 Sort code: 30-95-27

Benefits of membership include:

  • entry into a monthly draw run by organised and run by Rotarians Adrian Carter and Ray Cork. The prize will be voucher for the Vine and the Juniper valued at 20% of the month’s subscriptions. Wines starts from just over £11.00 per bottle. With a membership of, say, 16 this monthly voucher would be worth £32.00
  • the balance of 80% of membership fees collected will be used to subsidies Wine Club events and activities.
  • one bottle of the wine of the month, selected by the Vine and the Juniper, will be available to wine club members to taste.
  • Wine Club members will be entitled to a 10% discount on any wine purchased from the Vine and the Juniper.
  • Wine Club members will be eligible to a 10% discount on events organised by the Vine and the Juniper.
  • Wine Club members will be invited regularly to private wine tasting sessions at the Vine and the Juniper at a cost of £15 per head per session at which canapes and up to 9 wines will be available to taste. Taxi sharing to get home is being investigated. The first of these events is planned for Tuesday October 15that 7pm. Guests and other Rotarians will be welcome.

For further information contact Adrian Carter at

NOTE: The Rotary Club of Ludlow supports sensible use of alcohol.
