Each year Ludlow Rotary Club creates an opportunity for individuals and families to make personal dedications to a special person, to the memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion, such as a birth or anniversary. This year all the proceeds are going to Hope House Children’s Hospice. The dedications forms are now available from the shop at St Laurence’s Church or the Bull Ring offices of Nock Deighton. For more detail about the Ludlow Tree of Light 2017 including how make dedications and donations on-line, please visit the Tree of Light 2017 webpage

The official Switch-On of the Tree of Light, which takes place immediately after the switching on of the Town lights at 5pm, is on the evening of the Medieval Fayre, Saturday November 25. .There will be a torch-lit procession led by a choir to the tree in the Castle Gardens which, once switched on will present a waterfall of lights creating a focus for dedications and good wishes.
Posted 16/11/17
Join us for the Switch On on Saturday November 25. Donations and dedications either online or to Nock Deighton or St Laurence’s donation boxes. Help us raise money for Hope House Children’s Hospice.