The South Shropshire Youth Forum’s Ludlow Garden Help Scheme, the Ludlow ME Support Group which offers practical support to those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, the Orleton Evergreens which is a local community group for senior citizens, and the Gallows Bank Millenium Green Trust which cares for a valued green space in the town were four of the local organisations to benefit from this year’s community grants scheme run by Ludlow Rotary Club.
‘Ludlow Rotary Cares’ is the name the Club has given to the scheme which offers local charities and other organisations supporting community life the opportunity to apply for a modest grant of up to £750. Over the past nine years the Club has been able to invest over £45,000 in almost 100 local community projects in and around Ludlow through this scheme. At a special meeting of the club last Tuesday (14 May), a further nine grants amounting to over £5,000 were awarded.
The full list of award recipients comprises:
1st Ludlow Scout Group
South Shropshire Youth Forum
South Shropshire Engineering Ambassadors
Shropshire ME Group
Orleton Footpath Maintenance Group
Orleton Evergreens
Girl Guiding Ludlow
Gallows Bank Millenium Green Trust
Cleobury Mortimer Friendship Club
In addition Rockspring Community Choir and Kyrebrook Daycare Centre CIC have also been awarded grants
Speaking at the event Club Vice President, Robert Hodge, said “Apart from the opportunity to offer practical support to many local and valued initiatives, these occasions bring home the amount of unseen but dedicated care and volunteering which goes on in our communities. It’s good that we are able to recognise and applaud it in this way, and make a real difference to small organisations.”
“However, our support is possible only as a result of our fundraising efforts each year. Notable amongst them is our annual Dog Day event which, this year, is taking place on 28 July at Stokesay Court and, for the first time this year, our Duck Race taking place at Dinham Bridge on 27 May. We hope both of these will, in turn, attract widespread interest and support.”
Barry Forrester – Ludlow Rotary Club 15/05/24.
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Council decided to also award grants to the first reserves – Kyrebrook Daycare and Rockspring – Rockspring Community Choir.
1st. Ludlow Scouts
Hello both, Just to let you know that we have now spent the grant that you so kindly gave is. £111.97 on four first aid kits. £79.99 on an emergency shelter. A total of £191.96.
As the shelter was cheaper than we were quoted the balance of the grant was spent on hiring a GPS tracker for use in Scout expeditions so we can continuously track where the young people are at any time. It worked better than any of our expectations. It also saves the Leaders a lot of time looking for them when they take the wrong turning or divert because they don’t like the look of the cows.
Thanks again, Philip Sandell, Treasurer 1st Ludlow Scouts
Orleton Evergreens
It is with grateful thanks that I can report a most successful visit by Orleton Evergreens to the National Memorial Arboretum last Thursday, 25th July. We had an amazing day, funded by the very generous grant from Ludlow Rotary Cares.
We had a most informative, 50 minute ride on the Land Train which took us a good way round the 150 acre site, pointing out a variety of memorials. There is the imposing Armed Forces Memorial remembering all the service men and women of the British Armed Forces who have been killed since the end of the Second World War. We of course saw many military memorials recognising the sacrifices of the Army, Navy and Air Force, but also memorials dedicated to GCHQ, the Police forces in the UK and so many others besides. It would take more than a day to do justice to everything there is to see.
The visit was enjoyed by all, both Evergreens and members of the wider community.
Please relay my heartfelt thanks for the contribution from Ludlow Rotary Cares.
I have attached a few photos for your information.
Kind regards, Sue Turner

Please see the attached year end report for our team of engineers. As you will see from the report we had a very successful year and managed to delivery all the projects we set for the year. We were able to provide interactive engineering projects for around 100 children, inspiring them to engage and further their understanding with a view to them becoming our engineers of the future. End of Year Report – 2023-24 Final
Ludlow Rotary have provided vital ongoing long term financial support. Without your kind and generous support for the work we do this would not be possible, a big thanks to the whole team at Ludlow Rotary Club.
Kind Regards Rob Loynes on behalf of South Shropshire Engineering Ambassadors
Shropshire ME Group
“Back in July I contacted the two surgeries in Ludlow with the good news of your generous donation and sent a proposal of how we might work together for the benefit of ME patients and the surgeries (copy of proposal attached). You will remember the funding is ring-fenced to protect our existing services in Ludlow and to supplement these by establishing a “partnership” with GP’s to ensure everyone diagnosed with ME is made aware of the support we can provide to live better with ME. Additionally, the funding has enabled us to provide a 1:1 “buddy” helpline that we believe will help people come to terms with their diagnosis.

“On the 11th June 2024 21 our members carers and volunteers boarded a coach to enjoy a visit the Refresh Café at the Severn Hospice in Shrewsbury.
This trip was part funded by a generous grant by the Ludlow Rotary Cares Scheme for which we were extremely grateful.
We left Cleobury and enjoyed the trip over the Clee hills, through the Church Stretton valley and arrived at the Hospice where we all enjoyed a wonderful afternoon tea after which we spent time walking round the beautiful gardens. Three members who booked to go on the trip but couldn’t attend the Café boxed up the teas and we brought them home and delivered them to their homes.

Once again we would like to say a very big thankyou to you committee for the grant which allowed to enjoy this lovely experience.”
Styche Brook & Gallows Bank Millennium Green Trust – “We thank you for your very valued grant assistance in making our further redevelopment of Gallows Bank achievable. As we mentioned at the presentation these works are planned to take place over the next couple of years to enable full reclamation of the new areas to be achieved and to remove as far as possible the strong aggressive grasses and weeds. These works have already commenced and during the coming winter months subject to weather we are planning to do the first dig of the areas to loosen and remove these and to help prepare the ground. We are also planning to cut back the hedgerow to its former size as these have grown out over the area quite a lot. As works progress and visible signs are seen we will take some photographs to send over as well.
In addition and in relation to an earlier grant from yourselves we are pleased to advise that the “Orchard” that has been planted at the triangle below Housemans Crescent is starting to take shape although we have lost a lot of the original fruit trees due to initial failure or vandalism the remaining trees are starting to show good growth and bear fruit.” David R Davies – Chair of Trustees
Rocksprings Community Choir
Rockspring Community Choir were very grateful to Ludlow Rotary Club for the grant the Choir received, which has enabled them to purchase a projector, Screen, Projector stand and scarves for Choir members.
As stated in our application form, the purpose of the grant was to help members learn new songs and become more proficient singers.
The use of a projector and screen at our weekly rehearsals has been a great training aid. In the past, we were dependant on copying music or words, and some members who could not read music, found it difficult to follow music sheets.
Having sound files, with all parts being able to be played via the projector, and seeing the music score on the screen, has been a great help. It has meant that we do not need to purchase many music scores, and we are learning tunes a lot quicker. It has also meant that we are actually looking at our Musical Director! Rather than having our heads buried in a music score!
We have been working hard over the past few weeks on original songs written by Jim Fortune for the Pentabus production Make Good (about the Post Office scandal). Without the use of the projector, sound files, and screen, I do not think we would have been ready for the performance the Choir took part in, at The Assembly Rooms, last Saturday. What a great night was had by all.
The purchase of the scarves and ties has raised the profile of the Choir when we are taking part in fund raising concerts.
We first wore them at our fundraising concert for Hope House children’s Hospice in June this year. We raised £500 for this good cause.
We are looking forward to two further fund-raising concerts being held in the next couple of weeks raising funds for other good causes. The choir will be supporting Bishops Castle Town Orchestra.
So, as you can see, the Choir is making good use of the Rotary Cares grant. Thank you once again for supporting our Choir.
Christine Perkins, Secretary ,Rockspring Community Choir