Great Day for all at Ludlow Dog Day 2017

Ludlow Dog Day on Sunday July 23rd was a great success with well over 3000 people attending and too many dogs to count. We were helped by some 145 volunteers, young and old, from a wide range of organisations including the Scouts, Young Farmers, the Air Cadets and other Rotary Clubs. In addition there were some 29 sponsors, 30 programme advertisers plus over 35 stallholders. Without the hard work and support of all the volunteers and all the other people and organisations who contributed, the day could not have been delivered and we greatly appreciate and value everyones support.

The final sum raised after costs was up on last year at just over £21,000 and this has now been distributed to a wide range of charities and organisations. Our four nominated charities for Ludlow Dog Day 2017 were Canine Partners, Hope House, Forest Dog Rescue and Alzheimer’s UK.

In addition during the autumn we invited applications Ludlow Rotary Cares 2017. The grant scheme is targeted at small organisations within 15 miles of Ludlow who demonstrate they can make a real difference in their community. In 2016 we made 11 such awards and this year there were 40 expressions of interest resulting in some 30 applications resulting in awards of up to £500 each being made to 14 community organisation from within and around Ludlow. For more detail follow this link.

Looking forward to Ludlow Dog Day 2018, we have already set the date, Sunday July 22nd at Stokesay Court and we will be in touch with you in the New Year regarding advertising in the programme. In the mean time, if you would like to see some photographs of the day, please Follow this link to a photo gallery. We will be adding further photographs from other sources as they come to hand.