Last night, following a torchlight parade with choristers singing carols Deputy Mayor of Ludlow Colin Sheward switched on in the Castle Gardens the Ludlow Tree of Light 2019
The Centenary of the signing of the Armistice to bring peace after WW1 has led many of us to reflect upon relatives who have served their country in the many wars and, often, to think of those relatives whom we may, or more probably may not have known, who gave their lives in the service of their country.
In a way, that makes this year’s Rotary Tree of Light even more poignant than ever for, each year Ludlow Rotary Club in conjunction with Ludlow Town Council has created that opportunity for individuals and families to make personal dedications to a special person – whether in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion whilst, at the same time, supporting a local charity through their donation. This year the money raised will go to Hands Together Ludlow, a group which co-ordinates volunteers to help support awide range of local people. (further details of the charity can be found at www.handstogetherludlow.org.uk
Find out how to make a dedication by going to www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk/tol2018/ or on-line at www.mydonate.bt.com/events/treeoflightludlow
