How Dog Day 2017 has made a difference – Week 2

For a second week we are publishing feedback from the beneficiaries of Ludlow Dog Day 2017. Last week we heard from Hope House for Children and Canine Partners. This week we hear from Alzheimer’s UK, Forest Dog Rescue and one of the local organisations assisted by Ludlow Rotary Cares, Ludlow Town Juniors.

Alzheimer’s UK – Ludlow Dog Day will support as many people with dementia as possible with services such as our dementia cafe in at the Ludlow Mascall Centre.  These are monthly meetings for carers and people with dementia to come together and share experiences for peer support.  There is a relaxed atmosphere where everyone joins in with group activities like crafts, singing, quizzes and reminiscence. Youtube

We also offer one to one support for people living with dementia and help co-ordinate between agencies that provide care in Shropshire.  For example, we can help connect carers to a named person in social services, provide advice on benefits they may be entitled to claim, help with respite care, put them in touch with the incontinence unit or give them advice on choosing a care home.  We are there for practical advice and emotional support throughout their journey of dementia.


With over 4,000 people with a diagnosis of dementia in Shropshire we rely on organisations such as Ludlow Rotary Club to help people living with dementia and their carers to get support they need at any time.

Thank you so much to Ludlow Rotary Club for their very kind donation.  We are so grateful to be chosen as one of the charities to benefit from the event last year and we will use the money wisely to ensure people with dementia have someone who can offer them support, advice and care when they most need it.” Emma Butler, Community Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society

Forest Dog Rescue – Alison Jones, Treasurer and Trustee wrote – “Firstly, once again, thank you for your wonderful donation and the continued support of our charity and the work we do. We all really appreciate the hard work, time and effort that goes into organising this event and are very grateful.


As you are probably aware, we have been raising money to replace a dilapidated wooden block of kennels that were well past their sell by date and last year started this project. It always ends up costing more than you think and your money has enabled us to pay for the installation of the electrics including heating, lights and fire alarm and also helped towards the plumbing costs. This building is now almost complete and the residents have already moved in and you cannot imagine how much an improvement this is, not only for the dogs but also for the staff to keep clean.  I have forwarded a few pictures of the new kennels which show the work in progress and hope that you can see how your donation has really helped the dogs in our care.

2 year old Splash looking for a new home

If anyone would like to come and look round the kennels they would be more than welcome, just contact me on 01299 266005 to arrange a time. insert link to website.






Ludlow Town Juniors – Club Secretary, Katrina Tomkinson, emailed “With all the rain and snow we have had in the last couple of months we have had few opportunities to get our new mower out. I have attached some pictures for you. Once again can I thank you and the Rotary Club for your generosity it has been a huge help to a Ludlow Town Juniors.”

Ludlow Dog Day is a fun day out for dogs, their owners and families and, in addition, through the generosity of the public and our sponsors, Ludlow Rotary Club is able to donate the surplus to good causes. We are very pleased to share with you the very positive feedback we have received from all of the beneficiaries.


How Ludlow Dog Day 2017 has made a difference  – Week 1

Over the next 2 weeks we will be publishing feedback from the 4 main beneficiaries of Ludlow Dog Day 2017. This week we hear from Hope House for Children and Canine Partners


Hope House Children’s Hospice – Vanessa Thomas, PR & Major Gifts Manager, wrote to say “A rapidly expanding part of Hope House’s work is providing specialist bereavement support to families in the community whose child has died through a sudden accident or illness. Our aim is that no family should face the death of a child alone. Please find attached some words regarding how Hope House will be spending the money raised at Dog Day,  also a link to a very poignant video  and accompanying photo  and also that we would really love you to share in whatever way possible.

Kindest regards, and thank you so much for choosing us as a charity partner.”



Canine Partners – Nicola Martin, Canine Partners Chief Executive: “We cannot thank everyone involved with Ludlow Dog Day 2017 enough for their superb donation. It costs around £2,200 for us to run our two week residential course at either our Southern or Midlands Centre. This final piece of the training jigsaw for our canine partners is where they begin to forge the unbreakable bond with their human partner and learn how to work together.”

“Partnerships like James and his canine partner Winter, were started this way and now James, who lives in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, couldn’t be without his four-legged friend. Winter gives James security, companionship, happiness and confidence that after his accident he didn’t think he’d find again. Please see the attached story of James and Winter’s partnership. Without donations like this from Ludlow Dog Day, we wouldn’t be able to offer the required and detailed onsite training course that has enabled James’ life to be transformed by Winter. Thank you from everyone at Canine Partners.”

In addition to the 4 main chosen charities we fund a small grants scheme for organisations and charities local to Ludlow called Ludlow Rotary Cares. Here is a link for more detail on the scheme and the beneficiaries of Ludlow Rotary Cares.

Published April 6th 2018.