80th Charter Celebration

Tuesday 11 June saw thirty of us at the Cadmore Lakeside Hotel to celebrate, albeit slightly late, our club’s 80th Charter. Members brought their partners and our guests were DGE Brian Reilly, PDG Carol Whitely and partner Malcolm Hallewell and of course our speaker Graham Trew and Richard Lewis. It was particularly good to see Past President James and Barbara Harris also. 

With such a modest number we were all arranged at four round tables, place settings adorned with name cards also indicating menu choices. A very handy device as most of us had forgotten what had been ordered! 

The meal was very good and was followed by the Loyal Toast given by President Sarah. After a short break we then had the main event, an account of his life in music by Graham Trew. This was very amusing and punctuated by various short, humorous songs. He explained how he was eventually decorated by the Queen with the MVO after 27 year’s service as a ‘Gentleman in Ordinary’ in HM Chapel Royal. A fascinating life indeed and Graham’s account of it very entertaining. 

DG Elect Brian Reilly gave the toast to our Club and Rotary International after which PP Angus Kerr, who’d been an excellent MC all evening, declared the event over. 

Thanks must go to those Rotarians who organized a superb event! 

Tony takes over from Sarah

Tony Robinson has taken over as Club President for 2019/20 from Sarah Lowe.

Tony’s new team are:

Vice President & Club Service: Barry Forrester

Treasurer: Angus Kerr

Secretary: Arnoud Roele

Community Service: Robert Hall

Foundation: Fiona Jacklin

International Service: Hillary Delaney Hall

Youth Service: Sue Fleetwood

PR: Barry Treves

If you would like to know more about the team, please go to the Who’s Who page