The night before Lockdown

The Night before England went into Lockdown the last Club social event for the time being took place with 4 teams of four playing skittles at the Burway Bowling Club and raising money for End Polio Now. Our thanks to Fiona for arranging the evening and for collecting the fish super. Those of us on the winning team look forward to a return match next March! Best wishes to you and yours. A

“Thank you for your recent online contribution of GBP 40 made by VISA and directed to Polio Fund. The confirmation number for your donation is c1t6158y10auk92.For decades, Rotary has been a leader in the battle against polio that has reduced worldwide cases by more than 99.9 percent. With your help, the number of cases will continue to shrink, and we’ll keep up prevention and surveillance until we’re sure polio is gone forever. We’re closer than ever to ending this devastating disease. You’ll receive another email soon, which you can use for tax purposes if applicable”

Thank you again for supporting The Rotary Foundation.