Walk a Mile to end polio

Ludlow Rotary Club’s ‘Walk a Mile and donate £1 for Polio’ event held on Sunday 22 October at Ludlow Castle was a great success.


The club is very grateful to all those who supported the event and through their efforts, and with the support of the Gates Foundation, £900 was raised. It is estimated this is enough to save 4,500 children from polio. Our thanks also go to Ludlow Castle which freely opened its doors for participants to walk their mile within the Outer Bailey.”

Rory (4 years old) and Emma Bentley – Two of the walkers Viv Schartz and Ruth Walmsley walking on behalf of the Trefoil Guild

Donations may still be made in support of Ludlow Rotary Club’s efforts through https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/walk-a-mile-for-polio.