Rabbie Burns and all the trimmings

For the second year running a February Club meeting took the form of a Rabbie Burns themed evening attended by some 38 members and guests which was expertly organized by Angus and Philippa Kerr. Dress code was “wear some tartan” Members responded in different ways including 3 kilts.

After the Selkirk Grace read by Philippa, the haggis was duly welcomed by Angus who offered a fluent and entertaining rendition of ‘To a Haggis’.

Our meal comprised haggis, neeps and tatties followed by cranachan during which each table wrestled with a Burns Quiz.

For entertainment, 3 members read some of Burns’ poems and Robert Hodge impressed us with his vivid rendition, from memory, of Burns’ Holy Willie’s Prayer.

Tables were then moved back and the evening was rounded off – to everyone’s surprise – with some spirited Scottish dancing.


Roy recognised for making things happen

On February 15th Club President Angus Kerr presented Roy Major with the award of a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition for the contribution Roy has made to the the success of Ludlow Rotary. In presenting the award the President said:

Today I want to recognise a member of our Club who joined us in 2009. Since then he has made a significant impact on our activities in a number of ways. He began by cajoling the Club into considering major fund raising projects, requiring concentrated effort, rather than spending a lot of time raising small amounts. In July 2014, the first Dog Day took place. This has been followed in subsequent years, and we look forward to our fifth Dog Day in 2018. Throughout this time, one person has been constant in driving for a successful outcome each year, and despite his professed desire to hand over and step back, he is still in the thick of things.

National boundaries are not sufficient for Roy. He has worked hard to establish a strong link with the school in Tanzania – Msasani. He has visited there twice, and what we currently know as the current Msasani project – further development of the school – is the subject of a global grant application which Roy has personally driven.

The recent Hurricane Irma response was initiated by Roy and through his drive and coordination over £1,000 was raised for Shelterboxes.

Roy is not above organising smaller events, and we have him to thank for the informal pub get-togethers which take place on the off Tuesday. And of course, when help is needed for Pimms or mulled wine, or general assistance, Roy is always in the team which works to make it happen. Because of his lively character, we have much to thank Roy for in this Club.”

