Walk a mile to End Polio Now 2024


Ludlow Rotary is supporting this global effort, and invites all to join them in “walking a mile for polio” any time between 10am and 12 noon on Sunday 27 October. A number of routes starting from a registration point by the entrance to Ludlow Castle and suitable for all levels of fitness have been selected for the purpose. For more detail 



Celebrating 15 years of Rotakids at Clee Hill School

On Tuesday, the club held a special evening to celebrate 15 years of Rotakids at Clee Hill School with invited guests who had been instrumental in the success. Headteacher Ceri Little, on receiving a framed citation said that the positive difference Rotakids makes those youngsters taking part is clearly identifiable as they progress through both junior and senior school. Rotarian Sew Rew made a presentation to Julia Hilton the teacher who has championed Rotakids or the last 15 years.

The evening concluded with President Dr Robert Hodge presenting Honorary Rotarian Philippa Kerr with the Paul Harris Fellowship award in recognition of Philippa’s contribution to the club particularly Rotakids at Clee Hill and running the tea tent at Dog Day.

Our thanks to Tom Hunt for the photos


Battle of the Bangers

Rotary Club members helped out on Saturday at the Ludlow Food Festival’s Battle of the Bangers. Well done to Fiona, Sue, Ian, Tom Cater, Tony, Robert and Paul.

Also thanks to photographers Paul and Barry Forrester.


Ludlow Rotary Cares supports the engineers of the future

Please see the attached year end report for our team of engineers. As you will see from the report we had a very successful year and managed to delivery all the projects we set for the year. We were able to provide interactive engineering  projects for around 100 children, inspiring them to engage and further their understanding with a view to them becoming our engineers of the future.

End of Year Report – 2023-24 Final

Ludlow Rotary have provided vital ongoing long term financial support. Without your kind and generous support for the work we do this would not be possible, a big thanks to the whole team at Ludlow Rotary Club.

Kind Regards Rob Loynes, South Shropshire Engineering Ambassadors

Your Club needs your help!

ROTARY DISTRICT 1210 QUIZ – a message from Club President Dr. Robert Hodge.

“We did not take part last year because we didn’t receive the invitation, but over the years Ludlow has been an active participant in the District quiz.  It is the fellowship event that has the highest participation of Clubs in the District and the organisers aim to make sure it stays as popular and enjoyable as ever.

In the years I took part we have come second a couple of times.

I’d very much like to see us enter a team – or even two teams.

The rounds take place on: Thursday 7 November 2024, Tuesday 4 March 2025, Wednesday 4 June 2025 at venues around the District.

How is your general knowledge?  And more importantly, how is your knowledge of sport?  (We always fell short on the sports questions!)

Let me know if you are willing to uphold the honour of the Club and help form a team or two.”

Thanks to Graham Dean

Our thanks to District Secretary, Graham Dean, for an interesting talk last night on the Rotary charity ” Global sight solutions”.

Rotarians help with Magna Longa

Last Sunday 4 Rotarians helped with Magna Longa supporting another charity in our community, helping to make their day a success. Well done to Tom, Ian, Fiona and her husband Ron.


Guided Tour of Ludlow

Rotarians and partners enjoyed a guided tour of Ludlow’s architecture led bu Town Guide Margaret de Lattre, who is part of a group of 14 official Ludlow Guides. A enjoyable and informative evening even for longer term Ludlow residents!

Ludlow Duck Race

We will be holding our first duck race to raise funds for Ludlow Rotary Cares at Dinham Bridge on Bank Holiday Monday 27th May starting at 11am.

There are four races with 500 ducks competing, each winning duck will receive £100.    PLEASE SPONSOR A DUCK by clicking here.

Spread the word on your social media as the more ducks that are sponsored the more is raised for good causes.

Ludlow Tour followed by a meal at the Shapla

Tom Hunt has kindly arranged on June 18th a guided tour of Ludlow led by Margaret de Lattre from 6 pm till 7.30pm. Meet net to the cannon outside the castle Cost £5.00 a head. This will be followed by a meal at the Shapla, the cost of which will depend on what you order. Only 15 places available . Book by emailing Tom. You can book for both the meal and the walk or just the walk. Please book by June 13th. First come, first served


How Ludlow NCT bumps and babies group used their Ludlow Rotary Cares grant

NCT Ludlow Playgroup 

Ludlow NCT share how they used their Ludlow rotary Care’s grant “We have been so grateful for the grant from the rotary club to Ludlow NCT playgroup. With the money we have concentrated on sensory play and been able to invest in a large tuff tray, craft, playdough tools, musical instruments, chairs and storage crates. I will send you some photos in due course.
We run our playgroup every Monday at Helena Lane to support new families, providing a place for chat, support and a hot cuppa. It relies on volunteers and people’s generosity in order to run and we always welcome new volunteers and ideas so we can continue supporting these families.
Thank you again

Steph from Ludlow NCT bumps and babies group has now sent us some great photos of how they used their grant.

updated 15/01/24.

Club Complimented by Rotary Foundation

On confirmation that the Msasani School Global Grant had been signed off as complete, it was great to receive the following compliment.

“It was my great pleasure to have been able to review the report and see the great impact you made in the community with this school. I wish you and all your club members the best in all your future endeavours and projects.”

Diane López Regional Grants Officer, Rotary Grants, The Rotary Foundation 02/01/2024.

Pupils using the new school room at Msasani Primary School, Tanzania


The Tree of Light 2023 launched for Dedications


The Ludlow Rotary Tree of Light is now ablaze with each light in memory of a loved one, marking a special occasion or expressing good wishes for friends or family. The Tree of Light together with the supporting strings of lights in Castle Gardens were switched on last Saturday (25 November) by the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Beverley Waite, who paid tribute to the work of Ludlow Rotary in championing community life.

A selection of carols performed by the Rocksprings Community Choir added a festive element to the evening which was enjoyed by a large crowd of well over 100 whoenthusiastically joined in.

The Tree of Light will remain lit until Twelfth Night on 6 January and it is not too late to add a dedication. All those received by 13 December will be published in the Christmas edition of the Ludlow Advertiser. A complete list of dedications received byTwelfth Night will be recorded on the Ludlow Rotary Club website.

Forms containing full information on how to submit a dedication may be obtained from St Laurence’s Parish Church, Nock Deighton Estate Agents or downloaded from www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk. A minimum donation of £5 per dedication is invited with all funds received earmarked by Ludlow Rotary Club for local community projects. Last year some £900 was raised through the Tree of Light.

Ludlow Rotary Tree of Light to Shine as a Beacon of Remembrance

Designed by Dan Chubb

 Once again this Christmas, the Ludlow Rotary Club offers everyone the opportunity to shine a light in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a special occasion or to send good wishes to friends or family by making a dedication and donation.

A Tree of Light, organised by the town’s Rotarians, has been part of the Ludlow Christmas for over a decade.

The Tree of Light has been turned on and will remain lit until the Twelfth Night on 6 January.

Click here for full details on how to make a donation and dedication.

All dedications received by 13 December will be published in the Christmas edition of the Ludlow Advertiser. A complete list of dedications received by Twelfth Night will be recorded on the Ludlow Rotary Club website.

A minimum donation of £5 per dedication is invited with all funds received earmarked by Ludlow Rotary Club for local community projects. Last year some £600 was raised through the Tree of Light.


LUDLOW NCT Play Group develop sensory play

Ludlow NCT share how they used their Ludlow rotary Care’s grant “We have been so grateful for the grant from the rotary club to Ludlow NCT playgroup. With the money we have concentrated on sensory play and been able to invest in a large tuff tray, craft, playdough tools, musical instruments, chairs and storage crates. I will send you some photos in due course.
We run our playgroup every Monday at Helena Lane to support new families, providing a place for chat, support and a hot cuppa. It relies on volunteers and people’s generosity in order to run and we always welcome new volunteers and ideas so we can continue supporting these families.
Thank you again Steph”
Posted 18/11/23

Local Engineering Ambassadors Receive “King’s Award for Voluntary Service”

Inspiring Young Engineers
We are very pleased to be able to share with you the news that The South Shropshire Engineering Ambassadors (SSEA) have been awarded The King’s Award for Voluntary Service.
We are told that this is the highest award a local voluntary group can receive in the UK and is equivalent to an MBE.
We would like to pay special thanks to “Ludlow Rotary Club” for your continued support, it plays a vital part in everything we do; this prestigious award reflects the help and generosity you provide. None of it would be possible your fantastic support.
The SSEA were nominated for the Award by the Head of one of the local school federations,
with supporting recommendations from parents of children who have participated in our engineering activities.
We are one of only 262 local charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups nationally to receive the prestigious award this year. The King’s Award for Voluntary Service aims to recognise outstanding work by local volunteer groups to benefit their communities.
Representatives of the SSEA will receive the award certificate and commemorative crystal from Anna Turner, the Lord-Lieutenant of Shropshire early next year. We hope to be able to invite representatives from our local sponsors to attend this event.
As you can imagine the whole team, past and present are honoured to receive this Award in recognition of our work in local schools. We believe it is important to provide a range of technical activities to young people to enable them to appreciate potential engineering career possibilities in the future. The help and encouragement we provide is highly valued by the school teaching staff. We must pay tribute to our immediate past Chairman, Jim  Johnston who has played a key role in the group for some 17 years, and also the late Dave
Clark, who previously led the group.
Anyone interested in joining the team as a volunteer, or perhaps sponsoring the work we do can obtain further information from our Chairman, Rob Loynes, Tel: 07711 894998.

Walk a Mile to end polio

Ludlow Rotary Club’s ‘Walk a Mile and donate £1 for Polio’ event held on Sunday 22 October at Ludlow Castle was a great success.


The club is very grateful to all those who supported the event and through their efforts, and with the support of the Gates Foundation, £900 was raised. It is estimated this is enough to save 4,500 children from polio. Our thanks also go to Ludlow Castle which freely opened its doors for participants to walk their mile within the Outer Bailey.”

Rory (4 years old) and Emma Bentley – Two of the walkers Viv Schartz and Ruth Walmsley walking on behalf of the Trefoil Guild

Donations may still be made in support of Ludlow Rotary Club’s efforts through https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/walk-a-mile-for-polio.

Ludlow Rotary Cares makes things safer

Making things safer – “Ludlow Rotary Club have been fabulous supporters of Hands Together Ludlow‘s Men’s Shed. During 2023 the Rotary Cares Grant enabled us to move from using mains-fed power tools to battery-powered tools. This has made a huge difference – no more power cables trailing across the floor or risks of electric shocks plus the ability to move around the workshop and assist others without setting up electrical connections. We have subsequently had no trips, falls or accidents this year – well done Ludlow Rotary Club!” David at Ludlow Mens Shed 02/11/23.




Walk a Mile to Help End Polio

Members of Ludlow Rotary are inviting residents of Ludlow and the surrounding area, young and old, to join them in “walking a mile for polio”.

Ludlow Rotary is supporting this global effort and is inviting others to join them in “walking a mile for polio” any time between 10am and 12noon on Sunday 22 October.

A number of routes starting from a registration point by the entrance to Ludlow Castle and suitable for all levels of fitness have been selected for the purpose. No individual will be asked to give more than £1 – but as many pounds as possible will be welcomed!

For almost 40 years Rotary International has been battling to eradicate polio from the world. When it launched its global campaign to fight the crippling and sometimes deadly disease, more than 350,000 children were being paralyzed by polio every year in 125 countries. Today, as a result of an intensive immunization programme, the incidence of polio has been reduced by 99.9% and the wild polio virus is now only endemic in Pakistan and Afghanistan where less than 10 cases have been identified so far this year. Rotary International, along with other agencies, continues to raise funds to bring this devastating and crippling disease to a world-wide end.

Every donation to Rotary will be trebled by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, so every £1 will become £3

All enquiries to: secretary@ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk

Thank You Dogs !!

And a big thank you as well to the owners, sponsors and helpers that made Dog Day a success.

The day featured some 20 fun competitions such as the scruffiest mutt and waggiest tail to the fastest sausage eater plus demonstrations including past favourites such as the Paws for Thought Display Team and Bliss Gate Dog Obedience Team alongside new additions including All Positive Dog Services, Little Nippers Lurcher and Terrier Racing.

Ultimately the day was about raising funds to help meet local need, and the Ludlow Rotary Club reckons it will have produced around £12,500 which the Club has earmarked for its own community grants scheme, Ludlow Rotary Cares. This year’s event will, in fact, bring the total amount which the Club has been able to donate to local charities and community organisations by holding this annual event in recent years to a staggering £145,000.

For pictures and more info click here.


Ukraine Refugees Day Out

On Sunday 16 July some 80 Ukrainian refugees presently living in the South Shropshire and North Herefordshire area, together with members of local support groups, enjoyed a day out on the Severn Valley Railway.

The day was organised by the North Herefordshire and South Shropshire Ukraine Support Group and the Ludlow Refugee Support Group, and was funded by the Rotary Clubs of Knighton and Ludlow.

It comprised a trip by steam-drawn train from Bridgnorth to Highley, where the refugees enjoyed a picnic lunch and a tour of the numerous steam locomotives and other exhibits in the Engine House Visitor Centre, before returning by train to Bridgnorth.

Ludlow Rotary Cares Awards £5250 in grants

Great evening at Ashford Carbonel Village Hall on Tuesday presenting the Ludlow Rotary Cares 2023 awards totalling some £5250 to The Friends of Cleobury Mortimer Primary School The Arts Society Teme Valley, Kimbolton St James’ Primary School, South Shropshire Engineering Ambassadors, Ludlow National Childbirth Trust, Hands Together Ludlow (Ludlow Men’s Shed Project), Ludlow Food Bank, Clun Valley Music, Clun Valley Sewing Team,Ludlow Supports Refugees Group and The Friendship Club Cleobury Mortimer. Good luck with your community projects. The money for the grants was raised at Ludlow Rotary Dog Day 2022.

League Of Friends Of Ludlow Hospital.

Michael Evans spoke to the Club in his role as Acting Chairman of The League Of Friends Of Ludlow Hospital. He asked for help with the LoF at Ludlow explaining the usual problem in that many of the current volunteers wished to retire as they had put in sterling service for many years. They urgently need a new Chairman and Membership Secretary and someone with IT skills. Anyone interested should contact him directly.

Ukrainian Cheque Presentation

Tom Hunt, Martin Vincent & Roy Major from South Shropshire & North Herefordshire Ukraine Support Group

Ludlow Rotary Club were pleased to present a cheque to the South Shropshire & North Herefordshire Ukraine Support Group. The money was raised from the very successful Youth Makes Music concert held last November at Ludlow Assembly Rooms.

Apply Now for Community Grant

Following the success of Dog Day 2022 and the Tree of Light 2022 the Club are inviting local charities and other organisations supporting community life in and around Ludlow to apply for a grant of up to £500.

Organisations which meet the criteria will need to submit their applications by 17th April 2023 and then make a presentation on the 23rd May 2023 .

For full details and an application form click here.

Burns Night Celebrated

The Club enjoyed celebrating Burns night on Saturday 28th January at the Princes Charles Suite at the Feathers Hotel. The festivities were led by Robert Hodge who gave a wonderful rendition of the traditional words of Robbie Burns.

Alistair awarded Paul Harris Fellowship

President Hillary made a presentation of a Paul Harris Fellow Recognition Award to Rotarian Alistair Thornley. Hillary praised Alistair’s work quietly carried out for our club over the last few years. Among his skills, he has managed our club IT and website, the Dog Day website and spent many hours on our Global Grant Tanzania project culminating in his recent visit to Tanzania to sign off the project.

Members celebrate Christmas

Members and their guests had a very enjoyable Christmas dinner at The Feathers Hotel. Before the meal we were entertained by carols from the Rockspring Choir and during the meal Paul Ray performed table magic all performed with a witty story.

Tree of Light 2022

Again this year we offer you the chance to shine a light to remember a loved one or to celebrate an anniversary or birth. The Tree is located in Castle Gardens and the lights will be turned on at 5 p.m. on November 26 during the Winter Festival.

All dedications received by December 21 will be published in the Christmas Ludlow Advertiser. Others received before Twelfth Night will be published in the Books of Remembrance displayed in St Laurence’s Church and the Methodist Chapel and on the Ludlow Rotary Club website.

You can make a dedication and donation by clicking here.



Youth Makes Music was the name given to the concert arranged by Ludlow Rotary Club and held at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms to make it possible for the young people of the district show their support for the people of Ukraine at a time when their country is being ravaged by war.

In front of a capacity audience 100 students from six schools in South Shropshire and Northern Hereford took part in a very special fundraising concert putting their heart and soul into a concert which featured a wide range of styles including music from the shows, rock and roll and classical. The concert was fittingly brought to an end by all the students joining together to sing John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’.

You can still donate to our appeal to North Herefordshire and South Shropshire Ukrainian Support Group, which gives help to Ukrainian refugees living in the area, and the Disaster Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal by clicking here.

Charities get Cheques

Esme Turner of Hope House Children’s Hospices and Mat Ashcroft of St Michael’s Hospice receive their cheques from club President Hilary Hillary Delaney Hall. The funds had been raised through the annual Ludlow Rotary Dog Day.

Thank You Letter from Hope House
Thank you letter from St Michael’s Hospice

Stories from the walk

Diane told the club she had wanted to do something in memory of her daughter who had died from cancer and decided to do a walk along Offa’s Dyke between Knighton and Chepstow.  This was well out of Diane’s comfort zone, she was used to walking but had no experience of reading an Ordnance Survey map. She told the club of her adventures and the people she met on her walk. To date Diane has raised £2673.00 and this isn’t the end, Diane plans to do something every year to commemorate both her daughter’s birthday and the day that she passed away. 

Having fun !!

There were smiles all round when Ludlow Rotary brough their human fruit machine to the Ludlow Food Festival. A good time was had by both members and visitors to the festival.

Youth Makes Music – in Aid of Ukraine

Join us at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms on the 12th November for an evening of wonderful music provided by local schools,

You will enjoy songs from the 50’s through to the present day with music from the Shows, Rock & Roll, Classical and a whole lot more!!!

The doors open at 6.15 p.m. for a 7 p.m. start.

Tickets are £10 adult and £5 child and can be bought securely online by clicking here.

Manga Longa walk

Ludlow Rotary were in the Ludlow Rugby Club at the finish of the Manga Longa walk on Saturday handing cheese, biscuits, soft drinks and beer!!

Thanks to Grant of the Discovery Centre who provided all the cheese and biscuits.

A Big Thank You

A big thank you to everyone who made Dog Day a success despite the rain. It only works because of the contribution from so many people.

Barry receives a Paul Harris Award

Karen May-Wilcox, past president, made a very special presentation of a Paul Harris award to Barry Forrester in recognition of his services to Ludlow Rotary and thanked him for his continued help and good service.

Congratulations Di !

Di has just completed a  135K walk of Offa’s Dyke in memory of her daughter and to raise money for the hospice which cared for her and where she died, aged just 50, last year.

Di started at Knighton on 26th June and finished at Chepstow on 3rd July, the first anniversary of her death. A great achievement for Di, couldn’t have been easy.

If you would like to support her please go to https://www.st-margarets-hospice.org.uk/tribute/Sam-Holland

New President – Hillary Delaney Hall

Outgoing President Karen thanked all service leads and officers for their help over the last 12 months and very generously thanked Linda for her first year as Secretary with a gift and card. Karen then officially handed over the Presidents jewel to Hillary as incoming President while Hillary handed over the Vice President jewel to Robert Hodge.

Barry joins Ludlow Rotary

Last Tuesday the club was delighted to welcome Barry Jewitt as a new member. Barry was sponsored by Tom Carter and introduced by Karole in his absence. Barry was an engineer at Johnson-Matthey working abroad for many years including stints in Russia. He is a keen cook, plays golf at Ludlow golf club and was a keen gymnast.

Visit to Cosford

Club members and friends made a long delayed (by 2 years due to the pandemic!) visit to RAF Museum Cosford on 7 May. Our guides, Kevin and Paul, divided us into two groups for a brilliant two hour tour. This included the National Cold War Exhibition with its display of three V Bombers, the Test Flight Hanger which houses some of the smallest and the largest machines flown by the Royal Air Force as well as the world’s oldest Spitfire. After lunch, members explored the Falklands 40 display centred on the Chinook helicopter ‘Bravo November’ which had played such a vital role during the campaign. Everyone agreed it was an enjoyable and informative day.

Meal at the Maidenhead Inn

On Tuesday evening members of Ludlow Rotary Club, together with their partners, enjoyed a lovely evening of food, drink and good company at the Maidenhead Inn, Orleton and special thanks must go to Richard and his staff for excellent service.

The Maidenhead Inn has a menu which is sure to have something for everyone together with up to six cask ales and wide range of local beers, cider, wine and spirits.

Lovely Thank You Letters

The Club was delighted to receive thank you letters from St Michael’s Hospice and Hope House Children’s Hospice for donations from the money collected from Virtual Dog Day raffle and auction.


Ludlow Rotarians Support appeal for Ukraine

Ludlow Rotarians have donated goods to Frank Matthews, Trees for Life who is taking a truck to Ukraine next week. If you can help, please bring what you can to Frank P Matthews Trees Shop, Berrington Court, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire, WR15 8TH Tel 01584 812800. We are open for donations 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and 9am-4pm on Saturdays.

Virtual Ludlow Rotary Beat COVID

For the last 2 years Ludlow Rotary Club has been unable to run our main annual fundraising event, Ludlow Dog Day so the club continued to raise money by going virtual and in 2020 ran Virtual Dog Day and in the autumn of 2021 ran an online auction and raffle.

L to R – Matt, Alistair, Karen, Linsey and Adrian.

Last Tuesday the club were delighted to present to Lynsey Kilvert from Hopehouse Hospice for Children and Matt Ashcroft from St Micheal’s Hospice, Hereford with their cheques. This year Ludlow Dog Day will take place at Stokesay Court on Sunday July 24th. For more about the day go to Ludlowdogday

AJT. 15/03/2022

Club Welcomes New Member

Last Tuesday the club was delighted to welcome a new member, Ray Cork. Ray was introduced by Adrian and presented with his badge by President Karen. Welcome on board Ray.

Left to right Karen, Ray and Adrian


Tree of Light 2021/2 supports Local Charities – Ludlow Young Health and Hands Together Ludlow.

Mayor Robin Pote recieved £450 on behalf of Ludlow Young Health, which is his charity during his mayoral year. Councillor Erica Garner, a trustee of Hands Together LUDLOW, recieved a cheque for £150. This money, £600, has been raised through the generosity of Ludlow Rotary Tree of Light supporters. We have again been supported by the staff of Nock Deighton’s office, Ludlow Town Council, The Feathers Hotel, St Laurence’s Church and the Methodist Chapel. The Book of Remembrance is available on our website, https://ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk/tree-of-light…/.

Photo left to right – Robin, Rotarians Sue and Karen and Erica.


Addressing the Haggis

Last Tuesday night Ludlow Rotarians and their guests including visitors from Church Stretton Rotary Club were welcomed by Club President Karen to the Feathers Hotel to celebrate the birthday of the Scots Bard, Rabbie Burns. The evening started with Rotarian Robert addressing the haggis in the time honoured manner.

Club President Karen flanked by Robert and Angus

Through out the evening Robert supported by Angus and Barry, and guest Paul and philippa entertained the dinners with some of Burns’ best known poems including Tam o’Shanter with a particularly fine rendition by Barry of “My love is like a red red rose”

Our particular thanks to Linda for organising the event, Tom as photographer and Robert, Angus and Barry for the recitals.


Fairy Queen welcomes ADG to Christmas Dinner

Assistant District Governor, Graham Dean and his with Janet were welcomed to the Club Christmas dinner last Tuesday by the Fairy Queen (Vice President Hilary) assisted by elves (Club Sectary Linda and President Karen).

The event was held in the newly refurbished conference suite at the Feathers Hotel who did the event proud with generous helpings of delicious seasonal fayre and great service.

The other star of the evening was 17 year old local award winning harpist Rowena Jones who played beautifully all evening.

It was a real treat for Club members and their guest to once again meet together and celebrate the start to Christmas.


Planting End-Polio-Now Purple Crocus

Across the world Rotary Clubs raise money for End-Polio-Now. Through this initiative, Polio is now restricted to North West Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Rotarians Karen and Tom helped by Karen’s partner Ray and supported by Labrador Moss planting Purple Crocus corms in the Castle Garden, Ludlow to raise awareness when they bloom each spring.


Clee Hill Academy RotaKids Receive Awards

Mayor Robin Pote presented medals, certificates and book vouchers to the 2020/20 RotaKids at Clee Hill Academy. Well done to Alex Marston, Bentley Wood, Rhys Breakwell, Hope Stephens, Harrison Lambert, Isabella Stanley, Maisie Harman, Daisy Carpenter, Grace Gurney, Demi Morse, Zoe Pople and Ellenna Lewis. Also our thanks to everyone at Clee Hill Academy for supporting the RotaKids initiative.

RotaKid Hope Stephens receives ward from Mayor Robin Pote applauded by Rotarian Sue Fleetwood.


Pimms returns to the Ludlow Market Square

Our thanks to Adrian and his team of Rotarians and volunteers for running the pimms stall on the Saturday of the Ludlow Food Festival in September raising fund for Help For Heroes and other Rotary Charities. Great to see Ludlow Rotary Club on the street again raising money for good causes after the restrictions of the last year. Also thanks to Rotarian Tom Hunt for capturing the event.

Rotarians expand their knowledge of wine

Not to be deterred by Covid restrictions, Ashley Dawson from Majestic Wines in Ludlow presented on Zoom a fun wine tasting evening for Club members and their guests.

Denise and Clive were the outstanding winners a bottle of wine in the blind tasting and then went on to win the raffle which they kindly re-donated to be drawn again. All the proceeds are to go to Rotary Charities.

Although everyone enjoyed the evening and felt they had improved their knowledge, they also can not wait till the Club can start to meet again later in the year over a meal and a social chat.


HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. 1921 -2021

“The Rotary Club of Ludlow joins in expressing its deep sadness by the news of the death of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. 

Prince Philip had been an Honorary Rotarian since 1952. 

‘Service Above Self’ is the principal motto of Rotary and there can be no better example of unselfish service to HM The Queen, to the Country and to the Commonwealth than that which Prince Philip had shown throughout his long life.

We send our sincere condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all members of the Royal Family in their bereavement.”

Barry Forrester, The Rotary Club of Ludlow President, 11 April 2021

Rotary supporting Hospice-at-Home

Using the Hardship Fund Ludlow, Rotary Club has helped St Michael’s Hospice, Hereford to continue to develop their “Hospice at Home” Service. This increasingly important service helps ensure that patients can be cared for in the familiar surroundings of their own home. The club funded an otoscope are to augment the equipment nursing staff carry with them on home visits.

Equipped with a new otoscope and ready to go.

Whilst fighting Covid dominates our health service, hospices such as St Michael’s are quietly continuing to support their local communities. In the last year St Michael’s has supported in North Herefordshire and South Shropshire some 86 patients and their families.

Rotarians help with COVID vaccinations

Ludlow Rotarians Angus and Alistair responded to an urgent call from Shropshire Council via Hands Together Ludlow to help get the COVID vaccination centre up and running at Ludlow Race Course. They were on site 24 hours later helping to meet-and-greet the public, helping them into PPE and through the booking in process.

A Tribute by Rotarian Michael Symonds to Past President Geoffrey Wilson

PP Rtn Geoffrey S. Wilson PHF (1929-2020)

When Geoff was appointed to Bedstone School (as it was then known) in 1971, he took on a school with just 99 pupils and in a precarious financial position. During the next 19 years he turned the school around. Within 2 years he had started a junior school, introduced co-education, with the help of his wife, Margaret. It was not long before the name of the school was changed to Bedstone College to counter the appeal of sixth form Colleges.

By the end of his time at Bedstone there was a sound bank balance, almost 250 pupils (of whom only 11 were day pupils) and three new boarding houses built.

Geoff was fully involved in education beyond Bedstone, too, and was a member of various SHMIS and ISA committees (Society of Headmasters in Independent Schools – recently renamed Society of Heads- and Independent Schools Association)

Beyond the gates of Bedstone Geoff involved himself in the community through his membership of Ludlow Rotary Club which he joined in 1973 remaining a member, later an honorary member, until his death. . He was elected President in 1977-78. He was passionate about helping the community – particularly young people – and for years was the Chairman of Ludlow Rotary’s Youth Services Committee. He also helped raise significant sums of money for the British Heart foundation which was a cause that meant much to him following his quintuple by-pass operation.

Geoff was a master of the bon mot and with his sharp mind, wide ranging knowledge, prodigious memory and instant recall as well, it was no surprise that he was appointed Captain of the Ludlow Rotary Quiz team – a team which rarely came lower than second in any competition under his Captaincy.

His enormous contribution to the charitable work of the Club led to him being made a Paul Harris Fellow in 2000 – the highest award that a Rotary Club can give for outstanding service.

I have particular reason to be grateful to Geoff in that regard – since he kindly introduced me into membership of Ludlow Rotary Club in 1991.

Geoff may be gone – but definitely not forgotten. RIP MSS

Ludlow Rotary Club Tree of Light 2020

Celebrate this Christmas with a dedication to a loved one, or thank a person or organisation, commemorate an anniversary, a grandchild or send greetings to friends and family by making a dedication and donation to the Ludlow Tree of Light. All profits this year will go to the local charity, Hands Together Ludlow which has worked hard to support the community. For more information on their work please visit their website www.handstogetherludlow.org.uk 

For more details pick up a dedication form from St Laurence’s church. If you would like one to be posted ring Hands Together Ludlow 01584 817250 and give your address details. Forms can be downloaded from the website www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk/tree-of-light-2020

For on-line donations go to www.goldengiving.com/wall/ludlow-rotary-club

The Ludlow Rotary Tree of Light is located in the Castle Gardens on the Castle Square and the lights will be on from 21st November till 5th January 2021. Only those dedications received by 17th December will be featured in the Christmas edition of the Ludlow Advertiser. All dedications received up to Twelfth Night will be recorded in the Book of Remembrance, as well as online at www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk


Clee Hill Rotakids Successful as Young Artists

Ludlow Rotary Club was delighted to learn that three of the entries by Clee Hill Community Academy RotaKids in the Rotary District 1210 (covering Shropshire, Staffordshire and the Black Country) Young Artist competition were very successful: Maisie Wilkins was Winner, James Lewis was Runner-up and Poppy Kemp-Goode was Highly Commended. Not only that, Maisie Wilkins’ painting went on to the National Rotary Young Artist competition, and it is very pleasing to announce she was awarded 3rd prize. Very well done indeed , Maisie!!

Maisie Wilkins

Usually there is a presentation ceremony with parents, family, school and Rotarians all enthusiastically celebrating the RotaKids’ achievements. In the past Ludlow Mayor Tim Gill has been present several times and in 2018 the then Shropshire High Sheriff, Rhoddy Swire, presented certificates and medals but this year, due to Covid-19, the school made the presentations to the pupils who are all leaving to start secondary school.

RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for children in the last year at Primary School to make friends and get involved with important activities in the community, all while having a great time in the process.

Maisie with her certificate and Poppy

RotaKids clubs are based in schools or youth groups. With the help and support from teachers, youth leaders and the local Rotary Club, children can gain valuable experience in helping others and learning interesting, new things. It also brings an exciting and practical approach to supporting the citizenship element of the national curriculum.

By doing so, children enjoy a boost to their confidence and self-esteem at a key age and develop an understanding of how their actions can impact on others. If any school or youth group in the Ludlow Area is interested in creating  a RotaKids Club please email secretary@ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk or visit the Club website www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk.


New President takes over the helm at a suitable social distance

Barry Forrester has now taken over as President of Ludlow Rotary Club along with his Vice-President Karen May-Wilcox from the out going President Tony Robinson. Badges of office were suitably exchanged whilst complying to social distancing.


Sadly, as the Club is not currently meeting except via Zoom, due to Covid, it has not been really possible to thank Tony for his year in office. It has not been easy particularly in the last 6 months due to the impact of Covid restrictions, but on behalf of all the Ludlow Rotarians we would like to affirm our appreciation to Tony and thank him for leading the Club over an extraordinary chapter in its history.

2020/2021 VP Karen and President Barry looking forward to making a difference in Ludlow

The night before Lockdown

The Night before England went into Lockdown the last Club social event for the time being took place with 4 teams of four playing skittles at the Burway Bowling Club and raising money for End Polio Now. Our thanks to Fiona for arranging the evening and for collecting the fish super. Those of us on the winning team look forward to a return match next March! Best wishes to you and yours. A

“Thank you for your recent online contribution of GBP 40 made by VISA and directed to Polio Fund. The confirmation number for your donation is c1t6158y10auk92.For decades, Rotary has been a leader in the battle against polio that has reduced worldwide cases by more than 99.9 percent. With your help, the number of cases will continue to shrink, and we’ll keep up prevention and surveillance until we’re sure polio is gone forever. We’re closer than ever to ending this devastating disease. You’ll receive another email soon, which you can use for tax purposes if applicable”

Thank you again for supporting The Rotary Foundation.

Ludlow Rotary Cares supports the young, the elderly, the environment and the vulnerable

Over the last 5 years the Rotary Club of Ludlow has invested nearly £30,000 in a range of local community projects through the initiative ‘Ludlow Rotary Cares’. Following another very successful Ludlow Dog Day last July at Stokesay Court, the Club has awarded further grants approaching £5,000 to a wide range of community projects in and around Ludlow. These embrace reading in primary schools, a community orchard, a Men’s Shed, a village hall and support for some of the most vulnerable in our community, not just in Ludlow but also in South Shropshire and North Herefordshire.

The 12 successful applicants comprised of Cleobury Mortimer Men’s Shed; Ludlow Primary School; Friends of Lindridge School; Clun Valley Caterpillars Running Group; Neen Savage Parish Hall; Gallows Bank Millennium Green; Leominster Meeting Centre for People Affected by Dementia; Strengthening Families, Craven Arms; Ludlow Defib4You; Shropshire ME Group, Ludlow and Orleton Evergreens.

This has only been possible through the generosity and huge contribution made by all those involved in Dog Day including our sponsors, volunteers, suppliers and not least the 3000 visitors and their dogs, too many to count!

In addition to supporting Ludlow Rotary Cares, Dog Day 2019 has already made significant donations to St Michael’s Hospice, Hereford; Hope House Hospice for Children and Guide Dogs.

Sadly, due to Coronavirus, Dog Day 2020 has been cancelled but online donations can be made to these wonderful causes by visiting www.ludlowdogday.org.uk and following the links to their donation pages. At present their traditional sources of income have been closed but the need to deliver their vital support still requires funding. Please give what you can.

Dog Day 2020 – Coronavirus

It is with sadness that we have decided to cancel Ludlow Dog Day this year. This has not been an easy decision for the Club as we have already put much effort and incurred substantial costs into organising the day. We also know that we will be disappointing many people who were looking forward to the event this year. However, in light of the restrictions associated with the current coronavirus emergency and uncertainties as to how long they will continue, this was really the only decision we could make in the circumstances. 

We also thought it was only fair to come to a decision now so that everybody would know exactly where they were, rather than waiting to see what happens and maybe having to cancel the event nearer the date. 

Although, sadly a great fun day out for dogs and their families will not now be taking place this year, more worrying will be the loss of much needed financial support for our chosen charities: St Michael’s Hospice – Hereford; Hope House Children’s Hospices, Guide Dogs and our own Ludlow Rotary Cares. Over the coming weeks the Club will be considering ways we can continue our support for these essential charities and will be posting information on our websites and social media.

If you would like to make a personal donation to any or all of these great causes here are links to their donation pages: –

We look forward to a time when things return to normal, but in the meantime thank everyone, including our sponsors but most of all the dog owners and their families, for their support over the last 6 years.

Best wishes from Ludlow Rotary Club

Web: www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk Web: www.ludlowdogday.org.uk

FaceBook: @ludlowrotaryclubuk @ludlowrotarydogday

Twitter: @ludlowrotaryuk @Ludlowdogday 


Organised by the Rotary Club of Ludlow www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk  


Update on Ludlow Rotary Cares

Due to Coronavirus we have cancelled the presentation at the Ludlow Mascall Centre on March 31st. and we have started to judge the applications virtually via email and the judges will announce their decisions by March 31st. Thank you for your support. Bob Hall – Communities Lead – Ludlow Rotary Club – 21/03/2020

Ludlow Rotary Cares 2019/20

Ludlow Rotary Cares 2019/20 is now open for applications from charities and other organisations supporting community life in and around Ludlow which could benefit from a modest grant of up to £500. Even if you have had a grant from us before, please feel free to apply again. To download a copy of the application form and more information about Ludlow Rotary Cares please go to https://ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk The closing date for applications is February 29th.  Posted on 14/01/20.

Rotakids raise money for Mary’s Meals

The Rotakids of Clee Hill Academy Community School made 200 mini oatmeal cup cakes to sell at break time to the other children and made £44.76 for Mary’s Meals.  

Photograph courtesy of Clee Hill Academy Community School

The charity Mary’s Meals feed a child for a year for £13.90 by giving them a daily cup of porridge which encourages them to come to school.  It often takes the child 3 hours walking to get to school and the porridge is a huge incentive.

Photograph courtesy of Clee Hill Academy Community School

A very big well done to the Clee Hill Academy Community School Rotakids!


Tree of Light 2019

Design by Dan Chubb

Our grateful thanks to everyone who subscribed to the Ludlow Tree of Light 2019 and helped Ludlow Rotary Club raise over £500 for Hands Together Ludlow. We would also like to thank Ludlow Town Council for decorating the Tree, the Ludlow Advertiser for publishing the dedications, Nock Deighton for acting as a collection point and the Methodist Chapel, Broad Street for displaying the Book of Remembrance and Celebration for the month of January. You can also view all the dedications on-line at Ludlow Tree of Light 2019

Ludlow Dog Day 2020

Ludlow Rotary club is delighted to confirm that Ludlow Dog Day 2020 will be held by kind permission of Caroline Magnus at Stokesay Court on Sunday 19th July.

We currently putting together the programme for the day and aim to have old favourites and some new events and will announce all the details towards the end of March. If you are interested in taking a stall on the day, please email stalls@ludlowdogday.org.uk for more information.

Please put Sunday 19th of July in your diary

3 Charities benefit from Ludlow Rotary Dog Day 2019

On Tuesday November 5th, by kind permission of Caroline Magnus, Stokesay Court hosted the presentation of 3 cheques totalling £13,000 to St Michael’s Hospice, Hope House Hospice for Children and Guide Dogs The balance of the money raised at Dog Day 2019 will be distributed in the New Year with launch of Ludlow Rotary Cares 2020.

Speaking after the presentation “Many thanks for all of your support with the Dog Day and for putting on the lovely lunch earlier in the week which was much appreciated.  As I said at Stokesay the amount of money presented is very significant and a reflection of everyone’s hard work with the event.  We will use it to support more local families in the weeks ahead. With best wishes Ruth Denison, Director St Michael’s Hospice

The show was stolen by guide dog Bessie who came along in her best collar .


We are going home to the Feathers

Following its refurbishment and reopening under new owners we are delighted to be returning on November 11th to our traditional meeting venue of the Feathers Hotel. We are very much looking forward to once again settling in to this Ludlow landmark as our regular meeting place .

Well done to Barbara and her Team

Well done to Barbara and her team of Ludlow Rotarians, family and friends in running the successful Pimms stall at The Ludlow Food Festival on September 14th. Proceeds to Midlands Air Ambulance, Ludlow Food Bank and other Rotary Charities. Also many thanks to the Fruit Basket for the supply of fruit.


Ludlow Care and Share Group Taster afternoon

Please see attached a flier for the Ludlow Care and Share Group Taster afternoon which is taking place this Monday between 12.30pm – 3.30pm at Whitefriars Community Room (SY8 1RG). The event is the launch of the Ludlow group and we are expecting people to just drop in.

Care and Share takes place twice a month and offers a warm and welcoming place for family carers and family members with mild to moderate dementia to socialise and make new friends. The Ludlow group will be held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month at Whitefriars Community Room between the times of 12.30pm – 3.30pm. The carer is given the opportunity to take respite during one of the monthly sessions.

Please pass this information onto anyone who might be interested in attending the group. Nickie Long, Care and Share Project Officer, Shropshire RCC, Tel: 01743 237888, Mobile: 07816297795, Email: nickie.long@shropshire-rcc.org.uk


Ludlow Rotary supporting local community initiatives

Rotarians Clive and Denise helping out serving drinks at the end of this years Magna Longa. Magna Longa, run by Ludlow Food Festival http://www.magnalonga.co.uk on August 11 attracted over 720 people and involved a 4 course lunch served at stages along a 7 mile walk in the Shropshire countryside. Picnicking in style!

Ludlow Rotary Dog Day 2019

Ludlow Dog Day 2019, was held on Sunday July 21st at Stokesay Court and a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came and supported us.  With your help we have raised nearly £19,000 for our charities!

That is a great result from a fantastic day.  THANK YOU!!

If you missed it then by visiting the website will tell you a little of what you missed. Ludlow Dog Day was no ordinary day in the busy doggy diary, but a fun family day to celebrate our furry friends in all their guises.  If you would like to see more about the day, please visit our FaceBook page or lion our photo group on FaceBook

80th Charter Celebration

Tuesday 11 June saw thirty of us at the Cadmore Lakeside Hotel to celebrate, albeit slightly late, our club’s 80th Charter. Members brought their partners and our guests were DGE Brian Reilly, PDG Carol Whitely and partner Malcolm Hallewell and of course our speaker Graham Trew and Richard Lewis. It was particularly good to see Past President James and Barbara Harris also. 

With such a modest number we were all arranged at four round tables, place settings adorned with name cards also indicating menu choices. A very handy device as most of us had forgotten what had been ordered! 

The meal was very good and was followed by the Loyal Toast given by President Sarah. After a short break we then had the main event, an account of his life in music by Graham Trew. This was very amusing and punctuated by various short, humorous songs. He explained how he was eventually decorated by the Queen with the MVO after 27 year’s service as a ‘Gentleman in Ordinary’ in HM Chapel Royal. A fascinating life indeed and Graham’s account of it very entertaining. 

DG Elect Brian Reilly gave the toast to our Club and Rotary International after which PP Angus Kerr, who’d been an excellent MC all evening, declared the event over. 

Thanks must go to those Rotarians who organized a superb event! 

Tony takes over from Sarah

Tony Robinson has taken over as Club President for 2019/20 from Sarah Lowe.

Tony’s new team are:

Vice President & Club Service: Barry Forrester

Treasurer: Angus Kerr

Secretary: Arnoud Roele

Community Service: Robert Hall

Foundation: Fiona Jacklin

International Service: Hillary Delaney Hall

Youth Service: Sue Fleetwood

PR: Barry Treves

If you would like to know more about the team, please go to the Who’s Who page

Launch of Dog Day 2019

All you need to know about Ludlow Dog Day 2019. Follow this link to the 2019 website and read all about the great fun day that has been arranged for Sunday 21st July at Stokesay Court. Loads of events for your dog to take part in; something for all the family plus exciting displays by some of the leading Dog Display teams. Also re-live Dog Day 2018 by viewing videos taken on the day.

Beneficiaries for Dog Day 2019

Ludlow Rotary Club is delighted to confirm the beneficiaries for Dog Day 2019 are St Michael Hospice, Hereford and Hope House Hospice for Children, Guide Dogs, along with our own charity, Ludlow Rotary Cares. In choosing the beneficiaries of Dog Day, the Club seeks to continue to build long term funding relations by supporting organisations that make an outstanding contribution to our community. The choice of St Michael’s and Hope House reflects both the enormous respect the members of the Club have for the hospice movement in general and for staff and the work of St Michael’s and Hope House in particular. Guide Dogs add some much to peoples lives. In addition, we will continue to focus Ludlow Rotary Cares on supporting small community organisation with 15 miles of Ludlow.

Make a date in your diary to come to Ludlow Dog Day 2019 on Sunday 21st July and help these great causes.

Hospices and Guide Dogs benefit from Ludlow Rotary Club’s Dog Day

Ludlow Rotary Club presented cheques totalling £13,500 to Hope House Hospice, St Michael’s Hospice and Guide Dogs following the Club’s successful 2018 Ludlow fun Dog Day at a reception held at Stokesay Court on 6th December

 This was the final tranche of the money raised from Dog Day 2018. The Club had already presented individual grants of up to £500 each to 14 local organisations through the Ludlow Rotary Cares project last month.

The presentation to the Club’s three major beneficiaries were made by Rotary Club President, Sarah Lowe, supported by the Chair of the Dog Day Committee, Rotarian John Wilson.  Each of the recipients explained how the generous donation that they had received would help their charity achieve its aims and the clear benefit it would give to their users.  They each expressed their thanks to Ludlow Rotary Club which, in turn, expressed its thanks to all those who had attended and supported Dog Day and thus made the donations possible. As well as its own charity, Ludlow Rotary Cares, the Club is committed to supporting the 2 hospice charities for the next few years through Dog Day.

photo L to R: John Wilson(Chairman, Dog Day Committee), Emily Jones(Hope House), Ruth Denison(St Michael’s), Mary Conner(Guide Dogs), Sarah Lowe(President Ludlow Rotary Club), Simon Broughton (Hatfields Jaguar Landrover)

Stokesay Court has been the venue for Ludlowfun Dog Daysince its inception five years ago and it was by the kind invitation of owner, Caroline Magnus, that the reception was, once again hosted there. Rotarians along with Representatives of the major sponsors were present. The Club was delighted to learn that Hatfield’s of Shrewsbury, Hobson Brewery and Teme Vets have all committed to sponsoring next year’s event – to be held on 21t July, 2019. Follow us on FaceBook, Twitter or online at www.ludlowdogday.org.uk

World First for Ludlow Rotary Club

World First for Ludlow Rotary Club – Ludlow Rotarians, Roy, Ali and John have, after 3 years of preparation, been successful in obtaining the first ever Rotary International Foundation grant for a school building project and it will be used by Rotary International as an exemplar and template for other similar applications.

The project in Northern Tanzania, under the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, is to build additional school classrooms and a toilet block at Msasani Primary School. This is the second project that Roy and Ali have delivered at the school and it involved leveraging small grants by the local Rotary Club at Marangu (Tanzania), the Rotary Club of Ludlow, Vermont (USA) and LudlowRotary Club to raise a total of US$48,000 with substantial contributions from Rotary UK and the Rotary International Foundation.

To keep costs down the local villagers have been tremendously helpful by providing at times over 50 people to help dig foundations, mix cement and lay the concrete base as well as build the walls. Stage One is nearing completion and in the New Year Phase Two will begin with raising the roof and then the fit-out will start.

Ludlow Rotary Club would like to thank all those involved in making this project happen including the various Rotary Clubs and the teachers, children and their families at Msasani Primary School.

Follow this link to a gallery of photos that capture the work during Phase One


Mulled Wine hits the spot for Help for Heroes


In spite of a cold November day the crowds were out for the Ludlow Medieval Fayre and the Club had one of the most successful days selling mulled wine in aid of Help for Heroes with over 200 bottles sold. After using an initial order from Tuffins of 144 bottles, we then cleared out Spar and Majestic Wines of their stocks. We will let you know the final sum raised in a few days, but thank you to everyone who supported us.



Rotarians called to be an inspiration


During a visit to the club on 13th November District President, Ashley Gray, presented President Sarah with a Presidential Citation to the Club from Rotary International President Barry Rassin at calls for all Rotarians “to be the inspiration” to other Rotarians and the world at large.

Launch of Ludlow Tree of Light 2019


Last night, following a torchlight parade with choristers singing carols Deputy Mayor of Ludlow Colin Sheward switched on in the Castle Gardens the Ludlow Tree of Light 2019

The Centenary of the signing of the Armistice to bring peace after WW1 has led many of us to reflect upon relatives who have served their country in the many wars and, often, to think of those relatives whom we may, or more probably may not have known, who gave their lives in the service of their country.

In a way, that makes this year’s Rotary Tree of Light even more poignant than ever for, each year Ludlow Rotary Club in conjunction with Ludlow Town Council has created that opportunity for individuals and families to make personal dedications to a special person – whether in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion whilst, at the same time, supporting a local charity through their donation. This year the money raised will go to Hands Together Ludlow, a group which co-ordinates volunteers to help support awide range of local people. (further details of the charity can be found at www.handstogetherludlow.org.uk

Find out how to make a dedication by going to www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk/tol2018/ or on-line at www.mydonate.bt.com/events/treeoflightludlow

Designed by Dan Chubb


Join us for Mulled wine on Saturday

On Saturday 24th November we will be selling Mulled wine on the Market Square in Ludlow with the proceeds going to Help For Heroes. Please come and join us, enjoy a hot glass of mulled wine and support a great cause.

Ludlow Rotary Cares helps 14 community groups local to Ludlow

For the fourth year, the Ludlow Rotary Club held Ludlow Rotary Cares.  Resulting from the success of its major fundraising activity during this year, Ludlow Fun Dog Day, in addition to its three major charities, the club has been able to distribute more than five thousand pounds to local community groups and organisations. Since the inception of Ludlow Rotary Cares, the club has distributed over twenty thousand pounds to around forty organisations in Ludlow and neighbouring villages.

This year the club invited applications for awards of upto five hundred pounds for specific projects. The response was excellent and fourteen were chosen from around twenty five. In keeping with its objective to support local activities, the club selected projects benefiting communities, young people and the disadvantaged.  
All the recipients were invited to an evening at the Ludlow Mascall Centre, to explain briefly to the panel and the audience about their organisations and what particularly the award would enable them to achieve.  
The membership of the panel was Nicky Kershaw – Deputy Lieutenant of Shropshire, Ollie Worthington- manager of TESCO Ludlow, Clive Leworthy – Community Council of Shropshire and three members of the Rotary club. We were honoured to welcome the Mayor of Ludlow, Tim Gill and the Deputy Mayor, Colin Sheward.

Judging Panel

Awards were made to Ludlow Youth Partnership, Coreley Memorial Hall, Ludlow Amateur Boxing club, Clee Hill Community Academy, young Shropshire in work, Shropshire Hills Discovery Center in Craven Arms, Caynham Village Hall, Diddlebury Parish Flood Action Group, st Laurence’s C of E Primary School, Clee St Margaret’s Village Hall, Ludlow Defib4 You, Ludlow Fringe Festival, Working Together and Hopton Wafers Village Hall.

LRC 2018 Winners

At the end of the event, the Deputy Lieutenant said “the range and breadth of voluntary activity in South Shropshire was truly amazing, and was an example of how so much could be achieved in our communities.   Its benefits were significant and tangible.”   

Further Comments

cid:image001.png@01CFA699.A77D5650This is just a quick note to thank you and the rest of the Rotarians for organising the presentation night last Tuesday and for the kind donation to our funds.

Jade and I really enjoyed the evening, hearing from all the  representatives of the other local charities. It was fascinating to learn of all the other good work being carried out in the area.

We were delighted to be awarded the donation of £300.00 which will be used to buy gifts for Santa to give out to the local children at our Christmas Lights Switch-on on November 24th.

If you would like to visit the Centre sometime, I would be very happy to give you a tour round and show you some of the wonderful things which are happening here. Kind regards

Grant Wilson, Centre Manager, Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre – the home of Grow Cook Learn www.shropshirehillsdiscoverycentre.co.uk

Club supports Indonesian earthquake and tsunami


In response to the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated Sulawesi in Indonesia on the 28th of September, the Club made a donation to ShelterBox. ShelterBox and Rotary International are project partners in disaster relief and the Club believes that supporting ShelterBox this is the best way to support international relief efforts and ensure that the money addresses real needs and is not lost in the overheads of NGO’s. The donation bought a sturdy green ShelterBox with hardwearing tools and equipment that provided the basis for a family in the aftermath of such disasters.

The ShelterBox team in Indonesia are working with the national disaster management authority and Rotary contacts to support families in the area affected. Attached is an update from ShelterBox and a link to their Facebook page. There is also an informative video www.facebook.com/ShelterBox 


Congratulations to Barry


Last Sunday September 23rd, Ludlow Rotarian Barry Forrester was installed as a lay Cannon of Hereford Cathedral. A much deserved appointment recognising Barry’s great contribution to Hereford Cathedral, Life and Learning at St. Laurence’s, and previously at St Alban’s Cathedral. For more detail go to the Hereford Cathedral website.

Barry expressed his thanks to all those fellow Rotarians who supported him by attending the service.





Launch of Ludlow Rotary Cares 2018

For the fourth year in succession Ludlow Rotary Club is launching the Ludlow Rotary Cares small grant initiative and is seeking applications from community groups and organisations within 15 miles of Ludlow who could use a grant of up to £500 to make a real difference in their community. Follow this link for more detail and how to apply. Closing date September 30th.


Success for International Project

4 August 2018

Dear Fellow Rotarians

Re Msasani Project

After nearly three years of form filling and negotiation I can announce the good news that all the money has been transferred by Rotary International into the Rotary Msasani Project account in Tanzania and that we all clear to begin the project.

This is fantastic news for our club and for our contribution of some £2,300.000 we have released $48,000.00!

The project of a complex of classrooms to double up as a village community centre and a modern toilet block complex we will contribute hugely to this village school and the whole area. Ludlow Rotary Club can be proud of this achievement.

So we now have to roll out the build in the next few months and the tentative plan at the moment is that we are to attempt to get as much pre planning done before our visit, probably in October.

I attach a couple of drawings that give feel of what we are to do.

Support and involvement in any way would be welcome.

Many thanks

Roy Major

Ludlow Rotary Club International Committee



Rotary Supports A-Life-More-Ordinary


Ludlow Rotary Club is very please to be able to support with a grant the initiative A Life More Ordinary that runs activities for people living with dementia and memory loss, their families, friends and carers. 

Olivia James, Film Community Engagement Co-ordinator, explains that “In 2016 Ludlow Assembly Rooms became one of six venues nationally to take part in ‘A Life More Ordinary’, a project pioneered by The Dukes Theatre in Lancaster that gives people living with dementia and memory loss, ‘more choice, more control and greater access to leisure and cultural opportunities’.

Ludlow Assembly Rooms started with a dementia-friendly cinema afternoon, once a month where a relaxed, safe and fun environment was provided. Staff are dementia-aware, lights in the auditorium are left on low and the sound is a little lower than usual also. A year later in 2017, two more elements were added to Ludlow’s ‘A Life More Ordinary’ programme – ‘Moving to the Rhythm’ and ‘Songs for You’. Both activities, led by very talented, specially trained professionals, have proved popular – offering a space for reminiscence, socialising and, most importantly, having fun.

The Assembly Rooms are delighted to be able to continue all three activities from 2018 into 2019 with the help of all their supporters. None of this work would be possible without it and, undoubtedly, those living with dementia (including those with a diagnosis, carers and families) would certainly miss out on a vital contribution to their ongoing wellbeing and quality of life.”


John receives well deserved Fellowship Award

At the Club meeting on 18thJune a very surprised, embarrassed and delighted John Aitken received from ADG Les Goodall a well-deserved Paul Harris Fellowship. In the warm testimonial given by President Angus he referred to John’s work for Ludlow both as a two-term mayor and as a passionate supporter of the many charitable organisations within the town – not only through his personal actions but through involving Rotary in the support of projects too numerous to mention here. He also praised John for the work that he undertook with his sub- committee in producing the blueprint for the Club’s future which, in turn, resulted in our new format and has undoubtedly led to the buoyant membership we now enjoy.


Thanks for all your help

Thank you to everyone including the volunteers who helped with the Ludlow Rotary Club Health Awareness Day last Saturday. Giving the public the opportunity to walk in and get a free health check is a great service. Also our thanks to the Ludlow Assembly Rooms for hosting the event.

Ludlow Rotary Club supports National Volunteer Week June 1st to 7th

Voluntary work supporting our community is at the heart of the activities of Ludlow Rotary Club. 

If you would like to know more about volunteering opportunities with Ludlow Rotary Club, particularly at Ludlow Dog Day on July 22nd, please Email Volunteer

If you would like to know more about joining Ludlow Rotary Club, please visit our website Join Rotary or Email Membership

If you would like know more about National Volunteer Week please go to https://volunteersweek.org

Volunteering opportunities at Dog Day

Ludlow Dog Day on 22 July will be a great day out for all ages – and dogs too!  There will be displays, dog competitions, dog racing, stalls, and good food and drink, all set in the glorious grounds of the Stokesay Court estate.  To make this a safe and well run event, we need about 130 staff, and we rely on volunteers, who work for all or part of the day.

Tasks include ticket sales on the gates, stewards around the grounds, marshals for the event rings, competition registry marshals, tea tent staff, and more. It is not all work, you will have time to see and enjoy some of the show as well as free refreshment including a packed lunch. After the day is over there will be an opportunity to wind-down, relax and get to know some of the other volunteers over a drink and some food. If you would like to be involved in a fun day out that raises a great deal of money for good causes, please contact Rotarian Angus Kerr at volunteer@ludlowdogday.org.uk



Join us for Prosecco

On Saturday May 12th, along with our canine partners we will be on Ludlow Market Square opposite the Spa shop launching the 2018 Ludlow Dog Day Leaflet – Some 20,000 copies will be distributed across Shropshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire over the coming days.

On Saturday we will also be selling Prosecco with the money raised going to the Dog Day chosen charities.

Please drop by, have a glass of Prosecco and pick up your leaflet. We will be there from 10 AM till 4 PM – look for the blue Rotary banners.  

Health Awareness Day – 26th May



Ludlow Rotary Club is holding its annual Health Awareness Day on 26th May in Oscar’s at the Ludlow Assembly Rooms from 10.00am till 4.00pm.

Retired GP and Rotary Club member, Tony Robinson explains “The whole point about the event is that we are seeking to identify people who have no symptoms but who are diabetic or have raised blood pressure. We also aim to advise people about lifestyle issues, including obesity. Participants will complete a lifestyle questionnaire, have their body mass index measured (weight in kilograms decided by height in metres squared), random blood glucose measured and blood pressure measured. Having said this we can only offer a snapshot of measurements, particularly regarding the blood glucose and blood pressure. If you are anxious your blood pressure may be raised and if you have just eaten a Mars bar your blood sugar may be high. However what we can do is advise participants to consult their doctor for further investigations. Heart attacks and strokes remain major causes of morbidity and mortality in this country. Identifying significant risk factors may help to minimise these risks. Everyone will be very welcome on the day.

Published April 24th 2018.

How Dog Day 2017 has made a difference – Week 2

For a second week we are publishing feedback from the beneficiaries of Ludlow Dog Day 2017. Last week we heard from Hope House for Children and Canine Partners. This week we hear from Alzheimer’s UK, Forest Dog Rescue and one of the local organisations assisted by Ludlow Rotary Cares, Ludlow Town Juniors.

Alzheimer’s UK – Ludlow Dog Day will support as many people with dementia as possible with services such as our dementia cafe in at the Ludlow Mascall Centre.  These are monthly meetings for carers and people with dementia to come together and share experiences for peer support.  There is a relaxed atmosphere where everyone joins in with group activities like crafts, singing, quizzes and reminiscence. Youtube

We also offer one to one support for people living with dementia and help co-ordinate between agencies that provide care in Shropshire.  For example, we can help connect carers to a named person in social services, provide advice on benefits they may be entitled to claim, help with respite care, put them in touch with the incontinence unit or give them advice on choosing a care home.  We are there for practical advice and emotional support throughout their journey of dementia.


With over 4,000 people with a diagnosis of dementia in Shropshire we rely on organisations such as Ludlow Rotary Club to help people living with dementia and their carers to get support they need at any time.

Thank you so much to Ludlow Rotary Club for their very kind donation.  We are so grateful to be chosen as one of the charities to benefit from the event last year and we will use the money wisely to ensure people with dementia have someone who can offer them support, advice and care when they most need it.” Emma Butler, Community Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society

Forest Dog Rescue – Alison Jones, Treasurer and Trustee wrote – “Firstly, once again, thank you for your wonderful donation and the continued support of our charity and the work we do. We all really appreciate the hard work, time and effort that goes into organising this event and are very grateful.


As you are probably aware, we have been raising money to replace a dilapidated wooden block of kennels that were well past their sell by date and last year started this project. It always ends up costing more than you think and your money has enabled us to pay for the installation of the electrics including heating, lights and fire alarm and also helped towards the plumbing costs. This building is now almost complete and the residents have already moved in and you cannot imagine how much an improvement this is, not only for the dogs but also for the staff to keep clean.  I have forwarded a few pictures of the new kennels which show the work in progress and hope that you can see how your donation has really helped the dogs in our care.

2 year old Splash looking for a new home

If anyone would like to come and look round the kennels they would be more than welcome, just contact me on 01299 266005 to arrange a time. insert link to website.






Ludlow Town Juniors – Club Secretary, Katrina Tomkinson, emailed “With all the rain and snow we have had in the last couple of months we have had few opportunities to get our new mower out. I have attached some pictures for you. Once again can I thank you and the Rotary Club for your generosity it has been a huge help to a Ludlow Town Juniors.”

Ludlow Dog Day is a fun day out for dogs, their owners and families and, in addition, through the generosity of the public and our sponsors, Ludlow Rotary Club is able to donate the surplus to good causes. We are very pleased to share with you the very positive feedback we have received from all of the beneficiaries.


END POLIO NOW Breathe Prize Draw Competition

The eradication of Polio is Rotary International’s main quest.


Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland are giving two lucky winners, chosen at random from entries received, a copy of the DVD and a family ticket (for 2 adults and up to 4 children) to visit the splendid Hatfield House in Hertfordshire, where some of BREATHE was filmed.

This inspirational and highly emotional celebration of bravery and human possibility follows the life of Robin Cavendish (Andrew Garfield) and his wife Diana (Claire Foy), an adventurous and determined couple who refuse to give up when Robin contracts polio and is given just months to live. Against all advice, Diana brings him home from hospital where her devotion and witty determination transcends his disability. This movie, directed by Andy Serkis, was produced by Rotary Purple4Polio Ambassador Jonathan Cavendish and is based on the true story of his own parents.

How do I enter?

By email – put BreatheRotary in the subject line and in the body of the email include one positive comment  about the Rotary End Polio Now campaign, your name and email address and send it to rtnjannine@icloud.com; or

By Facebook  – simply like a post that interests you on the @EndPolioGBI Facebook page and post a positive comment about the Rotary End Polio Now campaign and ensure you add #BreatheRotary.

By Twitter – Quote tweet a post that you like from @RotaryGBI and include #BreatheRotary and a positive comment about the Rotary End Polio Now campaign in your tweet.

Closing date 22nd April 2018 at 11.59pm

Visit http://www.hatfield-house.co.uk/ for opening dates and times, ticket valid till Sunday 30th September 2018.

This prize draw is open to all residents of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Gibraltar, Channel Islands and Isle of Man aged 18 years old and over.  Winners will be notified using the same communication means the entrants used to submit their entry.  This prize draw is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook or Twitter.                    For Full T&Cs see bit.ly/BreatheRotary

How Ludlow Dog Day 2017 has made a difference  – Week 1

Over the next 2 weeks we will be publishing feedback from the 4 main beneficiaries of Ludlow Dog Day 2017. This week we hear from Hope House for Children and Canine Partners


Hope House Children’s Hospice – Vanessa Thomas, PR & Major Gifts Manager, wrote to say “A rapidly expanding part of Hope House’s work is providing specialist bereavement support to families in the community whose child has died through a sudden accident or illness. Our aim is that no family should face the death of a child alone. Please find attached some words regarding how Hope House will be spending the money raised at Dog Day,  also a link to a very poignant video  and accompanying photo  and also that we would really love you to share in whatever way possible.

Kindest regards, and thank you so much for choosing us as a charity partner.”



Canine Partners – Nicola Martin, Canine Partners Chief Executive: “We cannot thank everyone involved with Ludlow Dog Day 2017 enough for their superb donation. It costs around £2,200 for us to run our two week residential course at either our Southern or Midlands Centre. This final piece of the training jigsaw for our canine partners is where they begin to forge the unbreakable bond with their human partner and learn how to work together.”

“Partnerships like James and his canine partner Winter, were started this way and now James, who lives in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, couldn’t be without his four-legged friend. Winter gives James security, companionship, happiness and confidence that after his accident he didn’t think he’d find again. Please see the attached story of James and Winter’s partnership. Without donations like this from Ludlow Dog Day, we wouldn’t be able to offer the required and detailed onsite training course that has enabled James’ life to be transformed by Winter. Thank you from everyone at Canine Partners.”

In addition to the 4 main chosen charities we fund a small grants scheme for organisations and charities local to Ludlow called Ludlow Rotary Cares. Here is a link for more detail on the scheme and the beneficiaries of Ludlow Rotary Cares.

Published April 6th 2018.

Fish Chips & Skittles

Last Monday evening at the Burway Bowling Club, some 27 members, their partners and fellow Rotarians from Leominster and Church Stretton had an enjoyable evening’s ball-tampering. The event, including a take-away fish supper, was organized by Fiona to raise funds for End-Polio-Now. The six teams battled it out on the skittle alley and the team led by the Ludlow President, Angus, supported ably by Roger, Lyn, Anne and Philippa took the prize.

If you would like to know more about joining Ludlow Rotary Club Join Rotary

Launch of Ludlow Dog Day 2018

Ludlow Rotary Club is very proud to launch the details of Ludlow Dog Day 2018 on their new Ludlow Dog Day website. The day is being held once again at Stokesay Court on Sunday July 22nd. The new tablet and phone friendly website provides details of the Early Bird Tickets, events, displays and classes. All the information you need to book a fun day out with the family, friends and, most important of all, your dog.

 Ludlow Dog Day Website


Ludlow Dog Day 2018 to support 2 hospices, Guide Dogs & the local community

Over the last 4 years Ludlow Dog Day has distributed over £70,000 to a range of charities and community organizations. This year the money raised will be split 4 ways between Hope House Hospice for Children, St Michael’s Hospice Hereford, the Shrewsbury branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind and Ludlow Rotary Club’s local initiative, Ludlow Rotary Cares. Ludlow Rotary Club President, Angus Kerr, said “We are very pleased to be forming a longer term relationship with three excellent major charities which have local presence. The remainder of our charity spend will go to smaller local community organizations which will have an opportunity to bid to Ludlow Rotary Cares later in the year.  We are hopeful that we shall get the same great support from our sponsors as we have had in previous years so that we can have another very successful Ludlow Dog Day on 22 July 2018.”

The major charities selected are:

 Hope House Hospice is a vital support for both local children, who are not expected to live longer than early adulthood, and their families. They offer a range of services including respite and end-of-life care at their two hospices and/or within the family home, and counselling support for the children, young people and family members for as long as is needed. A rapidly expanding part of Hope House’s work is providing specialist bereavement support to families in the community whose child has died through a sudden accident or illness. Their aim is that no family should face the death of a child alone. As a registered charity, they need to raise over £6.3 million this year to make sure they can carry on being here for all the children and families who need them. www.hopehouse.org.uk

St Michael’s Hospice is an independent local charity dedicated to the support of patients and their families affected by a terminal illness. They offer a wide and increasing range of services to enable people to continue living as well as they can with their illness. All of their services are provided free of charge to anyone, regardless of their background. Care is provided on the Hospice’s Inpatient Ward, in its Day Services building or in the comfort of a patients’ own home. St Michael’s care is open to the whole of Herefordshire, and south Shropshire. A generous band of supporters help make this possible by setting-up their own fundraising activities or taking part in the Hospice’s numerous events. For for more details see www.st-michaels-hospice.org.uk

Guide Dogs Ludlow Supporter Group are based at the regional centre for the national charity Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. The regional centre has been delivering Guide Dogs’ services in Staffordshire, Shropshire and the Black Country for over 10 years and their current guide dog owner base is 225 partnerships and they continue to see guide dog activities grow. The organisation is committed to helping people who are blind or partially sighted to lead more independent lives by promoting the most appropriate method of mobility assistance to meet their needs. Additionally, Guide Dogs is becoming more active in campaigning locally to promote the rights of people who are blind or partially sighted. www.guidedogs.org.uk

Ludlow Rotary Cares is run annually by Ludlow Rotary Club and provides small grants to help charities and organizations within 15 miles of Ludlow to make a real difference in their community. Since the scheme started 3 years ago over 36 grants of up to £500 have been made. www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk

You can keep up to date with developments and plans for Ludlow Dog Day 2018 via our website, following us on FaceBook and Twitter or by signing up for our e-newsletters.

Join us at Ludlow Dog Day 2018 on July 22nd at Stokesay Court for a fun day out for dogs and their owners.


Talented Dan helps Rotary capture the spirit of local initiatives

Dan Chubb, a design student at Ludlow College, has helped brand two of the leading initiatives that Ludlow Rotary Club run each each year. With the advent of social media easily recognised logos have become an essential part of effectively promoting events. The Club sought advice from Media Studies Department at Ludlow College and they introduce us to Dan.

Working from fairly wide briefs provided by the Club, Dan developed 2 excellent logos that capture the spirit of both Ludlow Rotary Cares and the Ludlow Tree of Light.

Designed by Dan Chubb

Both of the designs work equally well on mobile phones, tablets and PCs, ensuring that where-ever they are viewed the brand stands out and is recognisable.

Designed by Dan Chubb

Our thanks and appreciation to Dan for his excellent work and we wish him every success in his future career.

If you would like to know more about work and activities of Ludlow Rotary Club, please visit our website www.ludowrotaryclub.org.uk


Rabbie Burns and all the trimmings

For the second year running a February Club meeting took the form of a Rabbie Burns themed evening attended by some 38 members and guests which was expertly organized by Angus and Philippa Kerr. Dress code was “wear some tartan” Members responded in different ways including 3 kilts.

After the Selkirk Grace read by Philippa, the haggis was duly welcomed by Angus who offered a fluent and entertaining rendition of ‘To a Haggis’.

Our meal comprised haggis, neeps and tatties followed by cranachan during which each table wrestled with a Burns Quiz.

For entertainment, 3 members read some of Burns’ poems and Robert Hodge impressed us with his vivid rendition, from memory, of Burns’ Holy Willie’s Prayer.

Tables were then moved back and the evening was rounded off – to everyone’s surprise – with some spirited Scottish dancing.


Roy recognised for making things happen

On February 15th Club President Angus Kerr presented Roy Major with the award of a Paul Harris Fellowship in recognition for the contribution Roy has made to the the success of Ludlow Rotary. In presenting the award the President said:

Today I want to recognise a member of our Club who joined us in 2009. Since then he has made a significant impact on our activities in a number of ways. He began by cajoling the Club into considering major fund raising projects, requiring concentrated effort, rather than spending a lot of time raising small amounts. In July 2014, the first Dog Day took place. This has been followed in subsequent years, and we look forward to our fifth Dog Day in 2018. Throughout this time, one person has been constant in driving for a successful outcome each year, and despite his professed desire to hand over and step back, he is still in the thick of things.

National boundaries are not sufficient for Roy. He has worked hard to establish a strong link with the school in Tanzania – Msasani. He has visited there twice, and what we currently know as the current Msasani project – further development of the school – is the subject of a global grant application which Roy has personally driven.

The recent Hurricane Irma response was initiated by Roy and through his drive and coordination over £1,000 was raised for Shelterboxes.

Roy is not above organising smaller events, and we have him to thank for the informal pub get-togethers which take place on the off Tuesday. And of course, when help is needed for Pimms or mulled wine, or general assistance, Roy is always in the team which works to make it happen. Because of his lively character, we have much to thank Roy for in this Club.”



Wanted: Young person seeking to develop their self-confidence and Leadership Skills.

Each summer all across the UK, Rotary Clubs sponsor individual teenagers – boys and girls – to attend an adventure week, the Rotary Youth Leadership Award – RYLA.  This year Ludlow Rotary Club’s candidate was Jared Forte and he recently gave a fascinating talk to the Club about his experiences on the five day residential course.

He admitted to feeling a little homesick on the first morning after being soaked to the skin in the initial ice breaking exercises, and Jared’s team failed their first teamwork task, but as the week progressed, and the team members grew to know each other’s strengths and to work together, the team did really well and became tightly knit and successful.  A surprising number of the challenges seemed to involve mud and water, but there were great motivational speakers and Jared made new friends.


Jared (second from left) said “The course helped me understand the need for teamwork and I now feel more confident working on group projects with fellow students at Ludlow College, where I am currently studying”.

Ludlow Rotary Club are now looking for a candidate for next year’s course.  You should be a full-time student and aged 16 or 17 on 12 August 2018.  Course fees of £475 will be met by Ludlow Rotary Club, as will travel costs, and you should be available to attend the 5 day course from 12th to 17th August 2018.

This is a unique opportunity to have some fun, make some new friends and develop new skills and grow your self-confidence.  It will also look good on your CV!  For more information and an application form visit the RYLA web page or contact youthservices@ludlowrotary.club.org.uk

Black Tie and Party Games!

Members of Ludlow Rotary Club have a reputation for their fundraising activities in aid of local, national and international charities. However that is only one aspect of their activities. A lively social life is the other with regular fortnightly meals at The Feathers (smart casual) and occasional visits to pubs and inns in and around Ludlow – very casual – in the Club’s programme.  Sometimes a dinner to mark a special occasion – black tie – is the order of the day. But even those gatherings lack much in the way of formality as these pictures taken at this year’s Christmas Dinner on December 15th show.

A traditional meal of turkey with all the trimmings, with fish or a vegetarian dish as alternatives, followed by a choice of seasonal puddings, cheese and coffee was on the menu.

Afterwards members entered into the spirit of the season with some light hearted parlour games. So in case you’re left wondering, the photo of some of the members with plates on their heads was one of these, and not some weird initiation rite. Ludlow Rotary quite definitely does not go in for such things – though admittedly the mistake could easily be made. The photo does look just a bit weird!

Spread hope at Christmas

Spread Hope at Christmas

Designed by Dan Chubb

This year Ludlow Rotary’s Tree of Light is supporting Hope House Children’s Hospice. There are several reasons why this is a significant choice.


Jean and her late husband Harry Peachey have had long associations with Ludlow and charitable works. Among her many commitments Jean was an energetic member of Ludlow Rotary Club’s Inner Wheel. She was President in its fiftieth year. Harry and Jean were both awarded Paul Harris Fellowships by the club, its highest accolade.

Jean and Harry supported many charities but Hope House has a special significance for the Peachey family. Jean explained that Hope House Children’s Hospice was named after her great-niece, Hope Peachey, who died aged eight months. Hope House, Oswestry opened in May 1995 and since then many hundreds of terminally ill children and their families have been cared for there and in a second hospice, Ty Gobaith in North Wales.

Jean is now a resident in Hendra House, a family-run care home in Ludlow. Its owner/manager Vince Burmingham is a Ludlovian, and he, his staff and residents have supported the Tree of Light over the years.

The connections continue. Ludlow Rotary Club have over many years supported a minibus which collects elderly Ludlow residents and takes them to day centres and on day trips. Rotarians are among the rota of drivers and helpers. Hendra House residents have often benefitted.

If you would like to make a dedication the forms are available at Nock Deighton, Hope Hospice Shop and St Laurence’s in Ludlow, or online at www.ludlowrotartyclub.org.uk. If you prefer to donate online go to the Ludlow Tree of Light at BT My Donate 


Tree of Light helps Ruth remember her sister Joyce

Ludlow born and bred, nonagenerian Ruth Eades, nee Moreley, enjoys remebering her sister Joyce and Joyce’s husband Roy Wilton by making a dedication each year to the Ludlow Tree of Light. Ruth has been making dedications very year since the Tree of Light started in 2008 and sees it is an opportunity to remember happy times and show she still thinks of her sister and her sister’s family.  Her message this year reads, Much loved sister Joyce and brother-in-law Roy. Greatly missed every day with love from Ruth

Rotarian Sue Fleetwood, who has been helping to collate the dedications over the last ten years, said “We are very grateful to some families who have supported the Tree of Light year after year. I also enjoy entering dedications celebrating grandchildren. You can see new names being added, year on year. It’s a public way of expressing remembering and celebrating, as well as helping the chosen charities. Over the years the Tree of Light has raised thousands of pounds for local charities.” This year’s charity is Hope House Hospice.

Most dedications are handwritten but for those who prefer to donate electronically the Tree of Light now has an online site at https://mydonate.bt.com/events/ludlowrotarytreeoflight/451543. Dedication forms are available in Ludlow at Hope House Hospice shop, Nock Deighton’s office and St Laurence’s Church or can be downloaded from www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk where you can find this year’s dedications to date. The final list will appear in the Ludlow Advertiser and in the Book of Celebration and Remembrance in St Laurence’s Church.


Clee Hill Academy plants crocus to eradicate Polio

Clee Hill Community Academy is the first primary school local to Ludlow to join with Ludlow Rotary Club to establish a Rotakids club.

RotaKids is a fun and exciting way for primary school children to make friends and get involved with activities in the community, while having a great time in the process. Children enjoy a boost to their confidence and self-esteem at a key age and develop an understanding of how their actions can impact on others.

To bring an international aspect to their project, the Rotakids at Clee Hill have planted purple crocus bulbs donated by Ludlow Rotary Club to support the world wide campaign to End Polio Now.

As of today, there are only three countries in the world that have not yet erradicated polio: Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan. Just 37 polio cases were confirmed worldwide in 2016, which is a reduction of more than 99.9 percent since the 1980s, when the world saw about 1,000 cases per day.

On being vacinated the little finger of each child is dipped in permanent purple ink and as a result purple has become associated with the End Polio Now project and the purple crocus has also been adopted as symbol of support for the efforts to erradicate this dreadful disease. All donations received for bulbs will be sent via Rotary Foundation to support the continued thrust to eradicate polio worldwide. Rotary worldwide will raise $50 million per year over the next three years, with every dollar to be matched with two additional dollars from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In Spring the crocus flowers in the lawns around Clee Hill Community Academy will be a reminder of the school’s contribution to helping rid the world of Polio.














Our thanks to Rotary RotaKids supervisor at Clee Hill, Philippa Kerr for the photographs, and her help in planting the bulbs.


Cold weather helped raise over £1000 for Midlands Air Ambulance

Members and their partners braved a cold November day to raise, after costs, over £1000 by selling mulled wine from their stall on Ludlow Market Square, though the cold might have also increased sales! This now annual fundraiser is timed to coincide with the Saturday of Ludlow Medieval Christmas Fayre.

The proceeds this year are going to Midlands Air Ambulance.

Our thanks to everyone who supported us and for the team who braved a chilly wind!

A big thank you to everyone at the Tree of Light switch on.

Tree of Light 2017 Switch on

A big thank you from Ludlow Rotary Club to everyone who braved the cold to take part in the switch on of the Tree of Light 2017. Particular thanks to Amy Evans, who directed singing, all the members of both the Ludlow Male Voice Choir and Bella Acapella, and Deputy Mayor of Ludlow, Colin Sheward who switched on the lights.

Tree of Light 2017

If you would like to make a dedication and a donation, please go to the Tree of Light 2017 webpage 

The proceeds from the Tree of Light 2017will be going to Hope House Children’s Hospice.


Warm yourself up with mulled wine


Mulled Wine Stall at Ludlow Medieval Fayre 2016


Join us at the Ludlow Rotary Club’s mulled wine stall in Ludlow Market Square tomorrow Saturday November 25th. Proceeds to Midlands Air Ambulance



Join us for the switch-on on Saturday


Please join us at 5 PM on Saturday November 25th for the torch light procession accompanied by the Ludlow Male Voice Choir and Bella Acapella from the Market  Square to the Tree of Light in the Castle Gardens, where Tim Gill, Mayor of Ludlow, will switch on the Ludlow Tree of Light.

Designed by Dan Chubb

For more detail about making a dedication and a donation please go to the Tree of Light web page . Proceeds to Hope House Children’s Hospice.


Dog Day 2017 cash distributed to 18 good causes

Proceeds of Ludlow Dog Day 2017 distributed

At events held on November 7th at the Ludlow Mascall Centre and on November 8th at Stokesay Court, Ludlow Rotary Cub distributed the money raised at the 2017 Ludlow Dog Dog to both 14 small local causes via Ludlow Rotary Cares and to the 4 larger chosen charities.

The Ludlow Rotary Cares initiative aims to support community groups and organisations local to Ludlow with small grants that will make a real difference in their community. This year, having received some 30 applications, 14 awards were made following presentations by those short listed. The panel of judges, comprising of 3 members of Ludlow Rotary Club and Nicky Kershaw, Deputy Lieutenant of Shropshire agreed awards of up to £500 per organisation.

Representatives from the 14 organisations that received 2017 Ludlow Rotary Cares awards.

The organisations receiving awards were The Second Ludlow Girl Guides, The Ludlow Fringe Festival Youth Arts Project, Working Together, Whitefriars and Beech Gardens Club, SpArC Theatre Bishops Castle, “Scrappiest”, Onibury Village Hall, Loudwater Studio, Ludlow Town Juniors, Craven Arms Youth Group, Clun Memorial Play Ground, Bishops Castle Guerrilla Gardens, Clee Hill Community Wildlife Group and Cleobury Mortimer Horticultural Society.

At a reception the following day held at Stokesay Court by kind permission of Caroline Magnus donations were presented to the 4 charities selected as the principal beneficiaries of Ludlow Dog Day 2017; Canine Partners, Forest Dog Rescue, Hope House Children’s Hospice and the Alzheimer’s Society. Also present were invited representatives from our main sponsors Tuffins Supermarket, Hatfields Jaguar/Land Rover of Shrewsbury, Teme Veterinary Practice and Hobsons Brewery, who joined members of Ludlow Rotary Club and their partners for lunch.

From Left to right Norman Tudge – Hope House Children Hospice, Wendy Squires – Forest Dog Rescue, Emma Dowler – Alzheimer’s UK and Malcom Wells of Canine Partners

For more detail about Ludlow Rotary Club, Ludlow Dog Day and Ludlow Rotary Cares please go to www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk

Issued 14/11/2017

The Launch of Ludlow Tree of Light 2017

Each year Ludlow Rotary Club creates an opportunity for individuals and families to make personal dedications to a special person, to the memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion, such as a birth or anniversary. This year all the proceeds are going to Hope House Children’s Hospice. The dedications forms are now available from the shop at St Laurence’s Church or the Bull Ring offices of Nock Deighton. For more detail about the Ludlow Tree of Light 2017 including how make dedications and donations on-line, please visit the Tree of Light 2017 webpage

Designed by Dan Chubb

The official Switch-On of the Tree of Light, which takes place immediately after the switching on of the Town lights at 5pm, is on the evening of the Medieval Fayre, Saturday November 25. .There will be a torch-lit procession led by a choir to the tree in the Castle Gardens which, once switched on will present a waterfall of lights creating a focus for dedications and good wishes.

Posted 16/11/17

Bishop Hooper School supports End Polio Now

       Extract from Bishop Hooper School Bulletin:

“Before half term, the children had an assembly about how the Rotary Club are helping to support the ‘End Polio Now’ vaccination scheme around the world. There are only 3 countries left in the world where polio hasn’t been eradicated; Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. A worldwide campaign to vaccinate all children has already been successful in other countries – India is now polio free as it has not had a single case for 3 years because of improved sanitation and the vaccination programme.

We have decided to support this campaign at the school because we would like be part of the group that “closed the gap” on polio and made it the second disease to be totally eradicated from the world; smallpox is the other disease.

We are going to be planting 500 purple crocuses in the school grounds to show our support. (When a child is vaccinated, their finger nail is stained purple so that other health professionals know that child is protected from polio, so purple crocuses to represent the purple finger nail.)

The Rotary Club has given us the crocuses in return for a donation of 10p per crocus. If you would like to contribute towards this donation, every bit would be gratefully received, whether it’s 10p, 50p, £1 or more. All the children will be involved with the planting as this is a school pledged towards ending polio now …. in our life time. Thank you for your support.”

Our thanks to everyone at Bishop Hooper School from Ludlow Rotary Club. If you would like to know more about the work of Rotary please visitor website www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk


George achieves his career goal

George Jacks, a Friend of Ludlow Rotary Club and past Associate Member, will achieve his career ambition later in November when he takes up the post of full-time firefighter based initially in Bicester.

George was one of the team of local young men who delivered Joel’s Wish by cycling 4000 miles across the United States of America raising money for the eponymous cancer charity. The Joel’s Wish team were sponsored by Ludlow Rotary Club and supported on the trans USA route by local Rotary Clubs to whom they were introduced by Ludlow Rotary Club. If you would like to know more about Joel’s Wish please follow the link.

All our best wishes to George from the members of Ludlow Rotary Club.

November 9th 2017

A very big thank you for Caribbean Hurricane Appeal

Ludlow Rotary Club is amazed and very grateful for everyones generosity during our street collections and church appeals for Shelter Boxes for the victims of Hurricane Irma in the Eatern Caribbean. A cheque for an initial £3,500.00 has been sent and once all the donations are in a further cheque will be sent.

During the weekend of the Food and Drink Festival, the  Ludlow Rotary Club started its campaign for the victims of Hurricane Irma. Monies raised were used to provide Shelter Boxes, providing the essentials of temporary shelter and life saving equipment including cooking utensils, blankets, tools and water purification kit and many more essential items to start their rebuilding process.

The club ran a Pimms stall and also made collections in the town centre.  Over the first two days over two thousand pound had been raised. The Club also co-ordinated the involvement of the churches via CTAL (Churches Together across Ludlow) which arranged collections over two consecutive weekends.

The major retail outlets also supported the appeal and collections took place at the Ludlow Food Centre, TESCO and ALDI.

Our sincere thanks to all those who gave so generously and those involved in the collections, particularly the members of CTAL. It is another great example of how working together as a community the people of Ludlow can make a real difference.

September 26th 2017

Hurricane Appeal – Disaster in Eastern Caribbean

Credited to the New York Times

The Rotary Club of Ludlow asks for your help in raising money to provide as many life saving Shelter Boxes as possible to send immediately to the disaster zone in the Eastern Caribbean to help those suffering from this terrible disaster.

Shelter Box is an independent UK charity that assemble and deliver boxes designed to provide the essentials a family need to survive immediately following a disaster and typically includes a family size tent, cooking sets, survive tools, water purification and many more essential items to start the family’s rebuilding process.

Please Give Urgently to this appeal by sending your money to:

Rotary Cub of Ludlow Disaster Appeal

C/o The Treasurer

Halfway Huse

Pipe Ashton



Or donate on line: www.ludlowrotaryclub.org.uk or go direct to the Ludlow Rotary Club BT My Donate account and click on “Donate Now” in the right hand side menu

Volunteers Needed for Sausage Trail and Pimms Stall

Once again the Club is helping out with the Ludlow Food Festival Sausage Trail at the Ludlow Food Festival and running a Pimms Stall in the Market Square.


The Proceeds from the Pimms Stall will go to Midlands Air Ambulance Service. Sarah who is co-ordinating volunteers for the Sausage Trail and John Aitken who is organising the Pimms Stall are both looking for volunteers to help on the day. If you are available please contact John or Sarah.


Successful Dog Day 2017

Photo by Eleanor Rose

Dog Day 2017 was a resounding success with well over 3000 visitors and their dogs resulting in over £21,000 has been raised for local charities.

Photo by Eleanor Rose

Over the next few days we will be posting photographs of the day but our thanks to very one who came, our sponsors and the many volunteers who made it the day such a success, plus the real stars on the day, the dogs!

A slightly tired Debbie checking that everything is tidy after the show.

Diary Date: Ludlow Dog Day 2018 will be on Sunday July 22nd.

Gill & Oscar are going to Ludlow Dog Day thanks to Old Prickly

Gill with Oscar being presented with their winning tickets by Ludlow Rotary Club President, Angus Kerr.

Gill Longfield, who lives on Clee Hill and Oscar her dog along with other members of her family are going to Ludlow Dog Day at Stokesay Court on July 23rd. Gill won first prize in the Old Prickly competition run by Hobson’s Brewery. Second prize went to Sarah Pope of Moccas near Hereford and Third prize went to Tracey Wood of Doddington. For more detail visit Hobson’s on Facebook

Ludlow Rotary Club looks forward to meeting you all next Sunday.

Dog Day takes to the Skies – Win Free Tickets

LUDLOW DOG DAY GONE BARKING MAD! Yet more free tickets

A small plane and large banner will flit through the skies on the afternoon of Saturday 22nd proclaiming the advent of the Ludlow Dog Day on Sunday 23rd July.

4 x free tickets are on offer to the lucky winner of those that email info@ludlowdogday.org.uk  stating the time and their location when seeing the plane and banner. All valid emails will be put in a hat on Saturday evening and the lucky winner will receive 4 free tickets for the event.

The plane and banner will fly over towns and villages in South Shropshire, North Herefordshire, Worcestershire and the Borders, as a final reminder that there will be a fun day out for all who own or enjoy dogs.

Now in its 4th year, the Ludlow Dog Day has become extremely successful and draws dogs and their owners from near and far as well as raising over £20,000.00 for local charities

Held in the beautiful and normally private gardens of Stokesay Court the day is packed full of fun and interest for dogs and humans with lots to do, see, eat and enjoy.

Competitions include scruffiest mutt, fastest sausage eater, waggiest tail, and best trick. For those who enjoy watching trained dogs in action there is a full programme of dog displays including flyball, dog obedience and assistance dogs. There are also opportunities for owners of gun dogs to show their dog’s ability to retrieve – or not!

This charitable event is organised by Ludlow Rotary Club and the organiser Arnoud Roele said “This sky high idea will help gain even more money for our chosen charities, the more that come to enjoy, the more we can give to worthy causes”

So, those who want free tickets- look up on Saturday!


Fiona hands over to Angus

L to R, Sarah Lowe, Angus Kerr and Fiona Jacklin

After a very active and productive presidential year, Fiona Jacklin has handed over the annual presidency of Ludlow Rotary club to her Vice President Angus Kerr and Sarah Lowe has stepped up to become Vice President. In her speech to fellow Rotarians Fiona said, “I’m very proud to have served as President of this important institution for the last year.  Rotary is the largest voluntary service organisation worldwide. The Ludlow branch is particularly active in supporting and complementing local charities, including Megan Baker House, Severn Hospice, Canine partner, PDSA and others.”

“Money to support these organisations was raised by Ludlow Rotary from events such as Dog Day 2016 and the Pimms stall, for which I want to sincerely thank the townsfolk Ludlow and surrounding towns and villages.”

She confided that the very successful Ludlow Rotary Cares event is based on Dragons “borrowed” from another Rotary club.

Fiona went on to say that she has thoroughly enjoyed her year as President of Ludlow Rotary and is happy to pass on the baton to a capable successor in club Vice President Angus Kerr.

Angus first joined Rotary in Aberdeen and during a recent interview he said, “Joining Rotary gave me opportunities to work with the local community, and to make new friends.”

He went on to say that, “It’s these aspects of fellowship and working with and for each other to help groups across the community which appeal to me, and this holds true still in Ludlow Rotary Club”. I’m very much looking forward to building on Fiona’s successful period in office”.

Stroke & Health Awareness Day May 27th



The annual Stroke and Health Awareness Day is being organized by Ludlow Rotary Club in conjunction with the Stroke Association and local health professionals. This free event, to be held in Oscar’s at the  Assembly Rooms, Ludlow, on Saturday 27th May is open to any adult who wishes to know if they may be at risk from a stroke. Doors open at 10 am and close at 3 pm.
A visit to the Stroke and Health Awareness Day will enable people, who do not have regular medical treatment, to identify factors which may lead to a stroke. All who attend will be offered a blood pressure check. Where appropriate, blood glucose level will be tested. The individual’s body mass index will be calculated from a measurement of their weight and height. This is a useful measure for calculating risk, especially for people who have raised blood pressure.

People who attend will be given a Personal Information Record. Anyone with an identifiable risk factor will be counselled about their condition and what appropriate action they should take.

Attendance is FREE, no appointment is needed and a visit is potentially life-saving.

James receives Honorary Membership

This week’s meeting took the form of the club’s AGM. However before that we had the opportunity to recognise James Harris’ long contribution to Rotary by the award of honorary membership. James joined Rotary in 1978 first at Bolton-le-Moors in Lancashire where he was President in 1983-84, before moving to Ludlow where he became our President in 1998-99. As Fiona said in her remarks, James has been a much valued member of the club down the years and she hoped honorary membership would mean that we would continue to see both him and Barbara from time to time.

Club President Fiona Jacklin with James and Barbara Harris


(Extract from The Ludlow Rotary News April 26th 2017)

Stokesay Primary School help to End Polio Now

On Wednesday March 22nd Ludlow Rotarians Sue and Philippa were invited to a Mothers Day Tea at Stokesay Primary School. Mrs Pam Price, the school’s business manager, has for many years supported the school’s Rotary Junior Community Award scheme and now is encouraging children to join Rotakids, a new and exciting initiative designed to help young people grow into responsible citizens.

The Year 6 pupils have been working on Purple4Polio and prepared a display board with information about Polio. The hall was decorated with purple table cloths, napkins and flowers. The proceeds of the raffle, which included some jars of Purple4Polio jam, will be donated to Ludlow Rotary Club for End Polio Now.


Sue spoke briefly about End Polio Now, and thanked the school for their efforts in raising funds. She explained the importance of ending Polio and the way in which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation add two pounds to every one raised by Rotary for End Polio Now. The school were holding a second event on Friday March 24. The total from the raffle was a tremendous £73. This will enable almost 550 children to receive protection against polio.

Young Chef 2017 – Update

The Regional Final for District 1210 was represented by Joe Little from Wellington Club and Isabelle Smith from Leek with Marion Ainlslow from District 1060 going through to the May National Young Chef final being held in Lincoln. Well done to all those young chefs who took part in Shropshire.

Tom’s invite to cricket derby

Tom Carter is looking for expressions of interest from up to 14 Ludlow Rotarians and their friends to once again join the Worcestershire Ambassadors for their annual cricket day at Worcester.
The one day match on Friday May 12th is a 50 over local derby versus a Division 1 side, Warwickshire.
The mini bus will be leaving Ludlow at about 9.30 and coffee, lunch and tea will be provided.
Please contact Tom for more details and to reserve your place.