Hurricane Appeal – Disaster in Eastern Caribbean

Credited to the New York Times

The Rotary Club of Ludlow asks for your help in raising money to provide as many life saving Shelter Boxes as possible to send immediately to the disaster zone in the Eastern Caribbean to help those suffering from this terrible disaster.

Shelter Box is an independent UK charity that assemble and deliver boxes designed to provide the essentials a family need to survive immediately following a disaster and typically includes a family size tent, cooking sets, survive tools, water purification and many more essential items to start the family’s rebuilding process.

Please Give Urgently to this appeal by sending your money to:

Rotary Cub of Ludlow Disaster Appeal

C/o The Treasurer

Halfway Huse

Pipe Ashton



Or donate on line: or go direct to the Ludlow Rotary Club BT My Donate account and click on “Donate Now” in the right hand side menu